Ich könnte mich um schöne Dinge kümmern
Ich könnte mich um schöne Dinge kümmern
I Set up the content filter with „Elon“ and „musk“ which significantly reduced it. Now it’s just posts like these that remain. Can’t recommend enough!
Look At You, Sailing Through The Air Majestically, Like An Eagle…Piloting A Blimp.
I like that it’s not reddit in terms of toxicity and powerdrunk mods. I really like the apps accessing Lemmy and the general tone in comments and discussion. As a German the community ich_iel is most of the content I need.
I dislike how long it took me to filter out the words „Elon“ and „musk“ because every second post on c/technology is about that man. Phew, my life is better without it. (I really like being able to filter)
And divinity original sin 2!
„Tommy the cat“ - Primus
I‘m starting to look forward to your post everyday! Very fun! Thank you :)
Damn, yes, I did - but I finally have something for the Mlem bug report, so there is that.
I mostly use „ let’s go alread-aaayyy“ and the heavenly „seven!“ from Benders game
But maybe this time the hot stove won’t burn me if I touched it?