Nobody is arguing that the patriarchy fucks men harder than women because you’re right, it doesn’t.
Your dismissal of the military issue and suicide is an example of your, and society’s, complete lack of empathy for men. Sure, it’s not women sending men to die, or directly causing them to feel hopeless, but that doesn’t somehow mean they aren’t victims of the patriarchy.
Did I personally get ordered to die? No, but I sure as hell had my role as an emotionless working machine, the assumed self-sufficient breadwinner that needed to support my entire family myself even if it meant my life was expendable, pushed on me by men, women, religion, and the media. And if I didn’t want that role or failed to live up to it, I’m a fucking loser and the community doesn’t care that I fed myself to a meat grinder and came out broken.
I promise, it’s possible to have empathy for the women who are being fucked by the patriarchy as well as the men simultaneously. Going back to my initial comment, it was never trying to disregard the scientist in the post, only dispel this idea that there is some individual that hasn’t experienced sexism/patriarchy.
You keep getting hung up on conscription as if there aren’t thousands of men who went to war in the last 25 years. You don’t have to be drafted to get killed or traumatized, and just because you enlisted doesn’t mean you deserved everything that happened to you (esp. when most enlist are poor, have no prospects, and get effectively brainwashed as a teenager that the military is an out).
As for the rest, yes have empathy for single parents and wage slaves of any gender. I’m sorry sexual assault is thing that happens to many women.