That’s not the customary punishment, but I’d accept it.
That’s not the customary punishment, but I’d accept it.
That’s the spirit!
Right? What a power move to not even try to cover up some of his rivals deaths? The lack of effort makes it even scarier. Christ, he had one bitch popped right in front of the Kremlin like a drive by!
That buffoonery energizes the MAGA base. He’s the distraction for billions being siphoned from that base.
The local high school is doing this in two weeks. It’s going to be a hoot.
Change the TOS?
He just ignores facts that don’t agree with the conclusions he’s already made. His time ignoring the criminal sexual abuse in his previous career has paid dividends.
I’d disagree but a bit of mint sauce couldn’t hurt at this point.
Not thoroughly tested vaccine; she is in precisely zero high risk groups. But, not that it’s his business, she lives with me and her mother. We both wouldn’t be the best candidates for covid or any of the seasonal infections. The funny thing is my daughter saw the flu shot marketing piece at the photo department register!
A fucking pharmacist tried to talk my daughter out of the latest COVID vaccine (which I guess is its own thing and not just a booster). Wtf? This was at Walgreens. I’m proud of my kid, though.
Bruh, that’s how you get Brundlfly.
Are you some sort of Philistine?
Some sort? All sorts.
My point was the cheddar-apple link is strong, but what apple flavor? I suppose you would like an apple syrup. Fine. Light or dark apple flavor? That’s the real question.
Hmm, applesauce or apple butter?
Russia doesn’t have the resources to prosecute the campaign it has already started. If Putin decides to find out what happens when you pick on someone your own size, that would just hasten his departure.
Oh you mean the 42 town-sized forward operating bases inside the treasonous province? They will come in very handy in the 72 hours it takes to resecure that territory.
Thanks for not showing gram grams cream pie. I get emotional.
He graduated to Dad.
I’d imagine they swap creative blow-offs for laughs, like any job.