Did they just slap a tail of an Avro Lancaster? :D
Did they just slap a tail of an Avro Lancaster? :D
“For their safety” :vomits:
A fellow Falba Tech keyboard enjoyer :)
Take a car. Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.
Finished up Greedfall on Sunday, just in time to get my hands on Sovereign Syndicate (launched on Monday). So far, so good.
Having a blast with Greedfall :)
I’ve been thinking about it recently, might finally give it a try
Hopefully this will be the hotfix I need to fix my stuttering in Cyberpunk :)
Yep, “I, Jedi”.
It was one of my favourite EU books
How to say you don’t know anything about mechanical keyboard without saying you don’t know anything about mechanical keyboards (:
You can get linear switches that don’t make the clicky sounds.
I bought Greedfall on a sale just before BG3 launch. Went through BG3 and Phantom Liberty, now I finally have some time to catch up and I’m having fun. Love the setting, the plot is interesting, the NPCs are okay. Sure, it’s not on the same level as those two but it is to be expected given the studio size. Overall it’s a solid game, worth checking out, especially if you get it on a sale.
It’s a victim of EA’s marketing team - it’s a much better game than its reputation would suggest, yet it never delivered due to all the hype that was created before the release. And it taught me to ignore the marketing stuff and just wait for the release to check on the game and not my overhyped expectations.
Suvi’s accent <3
Sweats in Polish
Gotta commit’em all!
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
Sweats in polsh