As a paying customer I will not troubleshoot for them. If I didn’t pay and had the issues with the free version, I would.
As a paying customer I will not troubleshoot for them. If I didn’t pay and had the issues with the free version, I would.
Osmand+ paid for and it doesn’t do it main purpose of loading a map. I will not be providing QA to them since I paid for the product, the product doesn’t work I’m not helping them fix a product they sold me.
Osmand+ paid for it and it didn’t work when I left my house. Useless product that doesn’t do it basic functions. And no I’m not going to QA it for them.
No, I used solely on my phone. It worked fine at home and looked promising. When I went out 2 days later it wouldn’t load anything, was on cell only with excellent 5g data. Tried for about an hour and it just wouldn’t load a map.
I tried OSM and it completely failed. Downloaded the offline region, loaded it up at home fine. Went to the location and the offline map wouldn’t load. Had a connection and tried to load an online map, nothing. Ended up right back using Google maps. I support the concept of OSM, it just doesn’t work.
I gave up selling on marketplace, and donate everything. People messaging you for months asking questions or wanting a refund after they broke it. I’m not your tech support, and no warranty claims. Have heard this is a regional issue and also depends on the category. I will never sell another car on marketplace. Craigslist is great for the anonymity.
Flat earthers on the rise. I can only trust what i see with my eyes, the earth is flat!
How will this affect the courts? How can evidence be trusted?
I consider humans a waste. Vegan = facist that doesn’t take into account peoples culture, economic status, health, or the other myriad ways we are destroying each other and the planet. Reduce waste, stop having children
Except vegans
Zero interest in converting anyone to vegan. I don’t care what anyone eats, it is their choice. Only interested in reducing waste and the population. Work towards an achievable goal. I will never be vegan due to my health issues, as you have conveniently glossed over. It doesn’t work for everyone, it’s in the same vain as telling everyone the need to eat peanuts.
Wow, such a superior enlightened being you are!! Empathy for other peoples culture, health, and economic status needs to be taken into account. For all the talk of being knowledgeable and a moral leader, you are blinded by your own bias. Self reflection is important for all, including you
I agree with many of the sentiments of vegans. However living in a city filled with militant vegans has turned me off supporting them, that is an emotional response based on my lived experience. All the gibberish you spouted can go right back at you as your diatribe shows your own bias as well. So keep claiming superiority it won’t sway people with all your superior knowledge. If you know so much try a tactic that is more supportive instead of belittling people.
Gibberish, complete incoherent gibberish. Still trying to force your morality on others by belittling them. Udder nonsense from an extremist.
Weak argument while standing on your subjective high ground, morality is a compass. Forcing people to follow your values is in most peoples view is immoral. Veganism is cult trying to shame people and scream at them for being wrong. No different than a religion trying to force their morals on you. Also trying to force people to a specific diet is wrong, that is not taking into account individuals health.
No, due to my medical issues. Not everyone can eat the same diet. We should reduce our wasted food which would make a huge dent in the number of animals for food.
Vegans = fascists of the food world. Follow my diet or I will harass you.
That is not a good technique to sway people’s attitudes
For sure, its easier than being present as a parent
Mental health and conspiracies don’t negate idiocy. You can feel bad and laugh at the idiot