here’s a playlist that grows when I get a song stuck in my head:
here’s a playlist that grows when I get a song stuck in my head:
don’t get my hopes up that the result may change.
very cool, but the site is not responsive for mobile users
I almost flipped one of these on a turn when I was learning to drive
I both love and hate that image
on mobile I shared the link and it said if you upload the pdf I can summarize it, so I downloaded the pdf and attached it
chat gpt read your pdf and produced this:
Alright, here is a very simplified summary of the document for a five-year-old:
Imagine you have a toy box that only you can use, and you get to decide what toys everyone can play with. This is like how some companies control the electricity that comes to our homes. They are the only ones allowed to do it, and they make sure it’s fair and everyone gets what they need. Sometimes, special people called regulators help these companies to make good decisions so that everyone has electricity at a good price and new ideas can still be used.
first three words in the title are redundant
can you enlighten us on the probable vectors of tick to human contact?
Port que no los dos?
I constantly struggle with what’s proper and what sounds right when using Latin plural in English.