Wow, these are really great updates! I especially like the improved UX around sign up and opening links on servers other than our native one.
OS: Linux, Arch (btw).
Update: the issue has been fixed and the feature is now live on Sync for Lemmy!
But why is that such a great benefit? We already have a myriad accounts for different services/platforms; would this be merely a marginal improvement over the current situation?
Damn, that seems to be flagrantly anti-competitive. Has Microsoft attempted to justify why they do that?
This comment should be pinned. Are community mods able to do that?
apparently there’s meshing between the two fediverse projects, given that they use the same platform.
What are you referring to exactly? Sounds a bit like kbin but I get the sense that’s not what you’re talking about.
Thanks for putting down my vague impression into clear words. I couldn’t agree more!
Took me a bit longer, but here it is: — it turns out someone had reported this already, so I added a link to this thread there.
You’re doing it right. That’s exactly how to build momentum! 💪
Are you nerd-sniping? Cause that comment is begging for an xkcd reference 😁 →
Im on exactly the same boat — experimenting with various apps, slowly becoming more active, but always missing the Sync experience. As I commented elsewhere, I even went back to take screenshots of the same views in multiple apps (album here) to make sure my memory wasn’t tricking me. I feel like objectively it is indeed the most polished experience, hands down.
Not at all! Just like with price, the difference between zero and one is hugely more consequential than any extra dollar added. Think of it: if you see a community with no posts in the last hour, or day, it does feel a bit deserted. Or a post without comments. By adding a post, or the first comment, you can be the difference for the next guy’s impression, and encourage them to do the same, and then the ball gets rolling, and that’s how you get momentum.
I can do it later today if nobody else gets to it first.
I keep hearing people mention all of these apps, and I’ve tried most of them (I’m on Android, and besides Sync, I currently have Liftoff, Connect and Thunder installed; I had Jerboa and the Voyager PWA, but removed the former due to bugs and the latter due to slow startup).
Honestly, none of them feel as polished as Sync. They do offer pretty much the same functionality, sometimes even better, but the UI and UX of Sync is just smoother.
Maybe it’s just that I’m used to Sync after using it for reddit for many years, but in any case I thought I’d put this out there in case others were feeling puzzled as I was from all the mentions of other apps suggesting they can replace Sync without any quality loss. Sure, maybe not functionality-wise, but to me the user experience is just as important.
Edit: for reference, here’s an album of screenshots comparing the same views in Sync, Liftoff, Connect and Thunder (yeah, I’m a fan of the compact list view): — there are pros and cons to all of these, but IMO the sync experience is the one with the best design and UX polish. Happy to hear your thoughts, though!
Yes, it’s on the sidebar:
Yeah, I’ve been wanting this as well. You may want to post this on the issue tracker, though, so that the request won’t get lost in the feed.
What do you mean? It’s right in the lead section: