…but that’s like 78% of why I got one
The last time I looked at containers I think it was an add-on, but I don’t think (and please correct me if I’m wrong), it filtered or made active the current viewable tabs.
In Opera there’s an icon list on the left and depending on which one is selected those are the only tabs displayed, and/or made active. I’ll take another look at FF containers.
Someone mentioned ‘about:profiles’ above, I think that may be closer to what I’m looking for, maybe that combined with containers can reduce my foot print to just Firefox, thanks for the suggestion
That’s unfortunate, I was hoping for a ‘workspaces’ like feature as in Opera. I run FF and Opera simultaneaously to segregate my tabs. It would be really nice if we could get something like that extended to profiles, so I could just run FF
Squirt bottle for (olive) oil. It is a lot more precise than simply pouring oil out of the bottle the oil comes in.
Electric kettle. No fancy features, just a switch to start water boiling, which shuts off once it’s at a rolling boil
Multishelf airfryer. It’s great for roasting small batches of vegetables (baby carrots, potatoes, cauliflower etc) without the guilt of firing up the big oven. It’s also great in the summer because it doesn’t heat up my apartment
1.5qt sauce pan. It’s great for heating up small batches of soups, bbq beans etc. This is what I used to heat the water for my tea prior to purchasing the electric kettle
I pretty much use all of these on a daily basis
He’s just bummed there are no drones flying over New Orleans, this is his only way to get on tv
Ukrainian naval drone pops a russian helo and damages another
Oh wow, I’d totally forgotten about 12 Monkeys! Going to have to dig through the DVDs this weekend
I’ve seen this documentary before
Frozen french fries are fantastic! I have an airfryer with shelves instead of a basket, but I’m sure it’d be the same. I just grab store brand waffle, steak, or curly fries, drop a handful or two on a single shelf spread them out so thy’re not bunched up and hit the fries button - no additional oil necessary, and I may or may not add seasoning at the end.
The thicker fries do really well with my airfryer, and the preset, but you may need to adjust your cooking times and temp depending on your air fryer and the type of fries. I also roasted red potatoes and baby carrots for Christmas. Chicken breasts are a little trickier if they’re varying sizes and thinknesses, but checking the temp with an instant read thermometer makes it super easy, and you don’t heat up your entire kitchen when checking the temps. Same with the carrots and potatoes, I just poke them with a fork to see if they’re done
There’s the R360 Neptune which was originally a Soviet era anti-ship missle. Ukraine has since turned it into a land attack weapon. At this point I’m fairly confident Ukrainians could find a way to weaponize a rotten tomato if they had a large enough stockpile