The nature of these posts is that by default the 4 posts are filled by reps from the 4 largest parties in the EP.
So there’s a conservative, a. Social democrat, a liberal etc.
The nature of these posts is that by default the 4 posts are filled by reps from the 4 largest parties in the EP.
So there’s a conservative, a. Social democrat, a liberal etc.
Not OP but my guess would be moderation tools.
If you think that you are under 20 or have been living under a rock.
Do not worry Vestager lives for shit like this. She’ll make them bend over, take it deep, and pay her for her pleasure.
You’re close to the point but missed the elephant. The valuable thing we’re fighting over in this case is all the data collected by the cars.
Automakers lose some access when it’s Apple or Google serving the infotainment. Apple and Google also get access to this data for free.
Social media. That is how.
EU is waking up to the danger to democracy that is unregulated social networks ruled by trolls and dysonformation. They would be glad for them to leave.
It seriously saddens me how much 25 years of GOP propaganda against the Clintons has turned reasonable people among Democrats and those further to the left into parrots that try to pin everything on Hillary or Bill.
There are legitimate criticisms of The Clintons. But they are way less involved than people give them credit for.
To your comment, I have seen no mention of Hillary - then Secretary of State dealing with multiple conflicts - having any involvement in ACA. She had plenty other work. And there were other key advisors Obama picked that were the actually directly tasked with putting together ACA and making it pass.
Also let’s not forget such hits as Bill Clinton attempting a border healthcare reform which died very promptly. Which is why Obama and his advisors chose the republican approach.
Also let’s not ignore that ACA originally had the public option in it. But as always, there is always enough money in bribes to turn just the right amount of Democrats against core wins so that it was a Democrat (I forget the twat’s name) that demanded the public option be stripped from the bill.
This article is such a mess. It just clobbers together talking points, speculation, and suspicion into a word salad
The MOUs in the past were a marketing steps to prevent each state from inventing a new set of rules. It worked.
Yeah - of course such “self regulation” is never as good as an advocate’s wet dream. Any law passed will also be bypassed. They will never try to build a taller wall. It’s in their business interest.
But there is a legitimately win-win situation in a national MOU taking say the CA law and applying it nationally. If you at all feel the CA law is good, it will spread it to shit states that would never care about their citizens’ right to repair on their own.
For the corps it is indeed a nightmare to let 50 states pass 50 different set of rules. The whole point of the IS market is that that does not happen. That there is one set of rules.
But yeah. They will fight any law that is passed. Any MOU they sign will not be perfect. And of course before the ink is even dry on the MOU the corps will be working on ways to subvert and bypass it.
PS: No MOU actually prevents states from passing new laws. It just tries to make a marketing claim “you do not have to spend effort on it- we are doing a good job already”. But that only lasts for as long as the MOU is not bypassed.
In general. Construction can be made very cheap in dictatorships.
The other thing making things cheap is scale.
China did a lot of things well, but especially on point 1 - we need to hold the line.
Lots of projects are expensive in the west because we care about nature, quality, worker safety and the communities impacted by the work (but also because this all opens the doors to malicious bad faith legal battles that make projects stupid expensive)
You miss the bigger picture. The shit journalism and propaganda are still free - funded by … other means . That is why magazine have tried to be free in the internet.
You’re also operating with the wisdom of hindsight. No one knew how to handle internet publishing. We all learned together.
This is more the oligarch / dictator wannabe. He is saying fascist things because that gets votes but like Orban if becoming a socialist, a devout Christian, a hard core libertarian gets his base riled up - he’ll do it.
All he wants is to make sure to be able to steal more money and not get prosecuted by the next government.
He is Orban (originally a left wing crusader), Lukashenko (originally a man anti corruption fire brand), Putin (originally a pragmatic technocrat) / they are now all hard right wing , “religious” (ignore all their lovers and affairs) men of the people (ignore the palaces and yachts). All of them flap in the wind of populism. It just so happens that all the slots are primed and ready to vote for fascism.
As does Windows and Mac. The both have states that are “asleep” but connected to the internet. Whether they will keep downloading - it’s not a thing I have tested.
What if I told you, the kid playgrounds are there for the parents ;)
(Yeah yeah. Not all adults are parents. Still tho).
Adieu , a parent of a kid.
Because of apple’s size. And because we just witnessed a death of a proprietary connector. A major win for the consumer and for the universtal serial bus projects overall mission.
On a side note. Apple has been part of the usb c project from the beginning and based on some biographies - they worked hard to never release Lightning. But they needed to drop the old 30pin connector and found usb C not ready when they needed it - so they release the lightning port instead. Then stuck to it for obvious profit /ecosystem reasons.
Read all four books. I have read the series now. Perhaps 3x in the last 25 or so years since I discovered it.
The Fall of Hyperion is 100% a recommendation. The Endymion books are somewhat controversial. But I love them.