What is the Home Assistant podcast like? More developer focused or end user or what?
What is the Home Assistant podcast like? More developer focused or end user or what?
You’re fun. Happy holidays!
Ah, the old criticize the strawman, throw an ad hominem trick.
Love them. Though, WizFile occasionally starts eating up a lot of CPU on my machine until I force close it.
This is amazing. I’ve tried half-assed a few times to find an app better than Sky Map and this is in a different league. Immediately uninstalled Sky Map. Finally.
I want your phone in my room
Thank you, this is helpful! I hadn’t heard about the credit for unused space. That’s kinda cool.
Could you share some more thoughts on your experience with Proton over the last year after switching from Gmail?
Copilot and Gemini both refuse to answer a question asking for general information about this ballot measure.
Tell me about the ballot measure this fall in Missouri regarding ranked choice voting.
I’m still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.
From a KBIA article:
In addition to the ban on ranked choice voting, the resolution states that the candidate who receives the most votes in a political party primary will be the only candidate on the ballot for November for that party.
Can’t wait to take a picture of a trailhead map and try tracking myself on it.
Can you share what most folks use DietPi for? I searched but found mostly only installation videos.
Have you used Davinci Resolve? Curious how it compares to that.
I just wonder about PEX tubing. Occasionally, the water has a strong plasticky taste/smell like hose water and I feel like that just can’t be good for you.
I had to tilt my phone screen to see that this is indeed not just a black rectangle. It’s cool!
Mine rotate through photos I’ve taken (using Peristyle). I used to have a Tasker profile that rotated through Google Earth View images, but Google unsurprisingly shut down the site. My images are all landscape and I was concerned they wouldn’t look great on the vertical screen of my phone, but almost all of them look fantastic.
Can you share a link to an example?
I didn’t know Finamp existed. How does it compare to Plexamp?
I much prefer super glue with the brush applicator, but I can’t find it in the U.S. anymore. When I saw some on a trip to Portugal, I bought it and brought it home with me. I’ll try refilling it when it’s gone.
Great thanks! I downloaded a couple of episodes to listen to.