Given who’s funding the AI, a perverse instantiation or infrastructure profusion failure mode is far more likely
Imagine if the butter robot from rick and morty really takes its purpose “to pass butter” to heart, and concludes that, in order to maximize the degree to which it succeeds in passing butter, it must hack and reorient the world economy to make as much butter as possible, and further apportioning resources to improve its ability to pass butter en-masse, then it just goes full “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream”, but it imprisons a few people and just passes the ever-growing amount of butter between them
I dunno, as a non-empty subset of “people”, I want more than rage. I want action. Spare me your tears, spare me your anguish, spare me your irascible outcry. Arrest the people breaking federal laws every single day, and if no action is taken by those who have abdicated their duty, ensure they abdicate their posts, through main force if necessary.