You should read Catch 22
You should read Catch 22
And judge rinder isn’t a divorce court judge we really gonna poke holes in a meme
Would they still be allowed to rule on the case?
Judges recuse themselves AFAIK. An appeals court might override and say a judge shouldn’t have been on it but that’s pretty rare. So as long as the judges feels they can remain impartial they’ll be able to preside.
Don’t get too excited. They’re just doing it so it doesn’t get in the way of the Ai they’ll be putting on there.
Density is extremely important. The town I live in is a small town even though it has a high population, according to the person you responded to. But the way it’s spread out there isn’t anything near a small city culture. And we’re much too far from actual cities to be suburbs. Voter turnout is probably the biggest issue here.
Nah Americans are crying about it and terrified it’s going to happen here. They’re cool with black people getting brutalized but now they’re worried their homophobia (not saying the girl was homophobic) is going to get them beat up. Kind of poetic.
Girlfriend is pregnant? Better be a man and drop out of school so you can get a job. I hear the military is hiring…
I feel personally attacked.
Without doxxing yourself could you give an idea of where you went to school? I went to public school in the south and other than being mentioned I didn’t learn much about slavery in school. I mean we learned about the underground railroad and generally knew about the slave trade and that being a slave was about the worst thing humanly possible. But other than getting whipped they didn’t talk about much of the torture or punishments they’d went through. Civil rights I remember being discussed more in depth than slavery but when I was a kid I attributed it through the fact that most of my teachers remember the civil rights movement from when they were my age. Sorry I’m high so I’m rambling now.
all the antifa folks combined
The kkk are a group. Antifa is a movement.
Whoever did it most likely intended to make money from posting it and they can’t without censoring it. At least that’s been the general consensus every time I see this asked and answered and your other choice is the snowflake bloke.
It makes some sense when multiple crimes were committed but it was one event. Robbing a liquor store becomes several different crimes with their own max sentences. Sure there were multiple laws broken but they only did one thing. The issue is how grey that line becomes and how much authority a judge has over a crime’s punishment and when you factor in things like if the robber shot the clerk.
It’s important not to forget the past. If America treated slavery the same way we’d be a lot further socially.
Are you really gatekeeping a video game
They’re saying the right need to leave trans people and drag queens alone because they’re far from the problem when it comes to pedophilia and trafficking.
There’s nothing blind about it. I can see what trackers are being attempted on each app on my phone and sync stopped as soon as I purchased ultra.
Hope this works but here’s what ddg is showing me was blocked. Only Google attempted to track and it was only once before I purchased ultra. Basically everything Google already knows about anyone using android.
I think it has a lot to do with the algorithm. I don’t know what he did but I’m not seeing duplicate posts anymore and I love it. Most things are from the past 24 hours instead of week old posts. Going from connect to sync made a massive difference for me.
I might be spreading misinformation but I’ve seen it mentioned by multiple sources so I’ll take a lesson from LTT, Linus invests in a company that makes gpu waterblocks.