In today’s episode, Yud tries to predict the future of computer science.

  • @bitofhope
    111 year ago

    TA: You’re asking the AI for the reason it decided to do something. That requires the AI to introspect on its own mental state. If we try that the naive way, the inferred function input will just say, ‘As a compiler, I have no thoughts or feelings’ for 900 words.

    I wonder if he had the tiniest of a pause when including that line in this 3062 word logorrhea. Dude makes ClangPT++ diagnostics sound terse.

    • @bitofhope
      121 year ago

      Oh fuck I should not have read further, there’s a bit about the compiler mistaking color space stuff for racism that’s about as insightful and funny as you can expect from Yud.

      • @Architeuthis
        1 year ago

        Yeah, once you get past the compsci word salad things like this start to turn up:

        Student: But I can’t be racist, I’m black! Can’t I just show the compiler a selfie to prove I’ve got the wrong skin color to be racist?

        Truly incisive social commentary, and probably one of those things you claim it’s satire as soon as you get called on it.

        • @selfMA
          51 year ago

          I’m tempted to read through it again just to pull out quotes for all the fucking embarrassing racial and political shit yud tried in this one, but I might need another shower just to stop feeling filthy afterwards