In today’s episode, Yud tries to predict the future of computer science.

  • dr2chase
    211 months ago

    @Evinceo PCJ? And (lack of) reproducibility really would be a problem for Go, the LLM would need to expose all its random seeds and not have any run-to-run varying algorithms within it. This is not a joke or snark, the bits have to match on recompilation.

    • @Evinceo
      411 months ago

      PCJ -> Programming Circlejerk.

      I was wasn’t expecting a serious treatment of this very silly idea, my mistake. I submit that it would cause enough difficult to diagnose bugs while just messing with it that you would never get into ‘but are the builds reproducible’ territory.

      • dr2chase
        211 months ago

        @Evinceo there’s code generation, and there’s optimization decisions. Optimization problems often have the property that their correctness is easily checked, but choosing the best one is hard. Register allocation is the easy-to-understand example – if modeled as graph coloring, an incorrectly colored graph is trivial to detect.

        So, sadly, not silly enough.