Blood Music was way cooler then this just saying.

  • @bitofhope
    101 year ago

    Ignore the implication that the virus could rewire my guts into an LTE modem or brainwash me into reading and typing out entire bitcoin transaction blocks for a moment. Yud considers the ability to freely mutate humans to an arbitrary extent and the supervillain plan he comes up with is a fucking cryptocoin miner?

    How does someone this creatively bankrupt produce 660 thousand words of a fanfic?

    Not to dehumanize but are we sure Yudkowski isn’t an LLM himself?

    • @Soyweiser
      91 year ago

      God you sneerclubbers are never satisified, last time he invented biological bacteria factories creating diamondoids which killed every human alive a the same moment and it wasn’t realistic enough and now he creates a bitcoinminerbrain and suddenly he isn’t creative. Whaddayawant?!

      But yeah, it is really not that creative indeed, but then again, most ‘agi kills everybody’ stories are already a bit done.

      • @bitofhope
        91 year ago

        The concept is just another grey goo scenario rehash but I grant that “diamondoid bacteria” is a striking name for it.

        • @blakestaceyMA
          71 year ago

          It just reminds me of the “diamondilium” in the Futurama movie that proved the Futurama writers didn’t know how to sustain a whole movie.

        • @Soyweiser
          1 year ago

          I got the feeling it was a bit weirder than that, it was more like skynet (who wants to kill everybody because handwave) but now skynet wins the opening move.

          Unrelated to that but somewhere in the ‘dna gets rewritten by LLMs to do blockchain stuff’ is a good science fiction horror story, where for people reality gets more and more rewritten into a NFT blockchain landgrab landscape. Suddenly you start seeing and dreaming about Endless voids of undeveloped basic land plots with sparce buildings filled with AI generated NFT art which they try to sell you, and endless land of colors and impressions where everything feels flat and fake and uninspired. Because people not only build the ‘Make biology into blockchains’ LLMs but also made the ‘try to exploit this for financial gains’ LLMs. Imagine a machine creating variants of Axie infinity stomping on other bland pokemon like blobs inside your mind forever, now with integrated dating apps!