From this post; featuring “probability” with no scale on the y-axis, and “trivial”, “steam engine”, “Apollo”, “P vs. NP” and “Impossible” on the x-axis.
I am reminded of Tom Weller’s world-line diagram from Science Made Stupid.
From this post; featuring “probability” with no scale on the y-axis, and “trivial”, “steam engine”, “Apollo”, “P vs. NP” and “Impossible” on the x-axis.
I am reminded of Tom Weller’s world-line diagram from Science Made Stupid.
oh wow @self this comment got successfully emailed to me
nice! good to know lemmy’s email code isn’t a complete write-off. any warnings in your email client from my weird setup?
nope! though its subject lines etc could do with work. this is what I got:
“display images” did not display any images
huh, now I’m curious what images it thinks it wants to display