An electoral democracy, we choose those that make the laws. Due to the 2 party system we don’t have many options for when they fail to do what they claim they will.
A true democracy would empower each of us to do as you say, but that’s not what’s here.
Our republic is quite corrupt due to greed and power, as well… Not as corrupt as many countries out there, mind you, but it’s alot worse than it should be.
We’re starting to resemble a corporatocracy in many ways these days as a result of all this.
‘Republic’ is about whether or not you have kings. Democracy is as opposed to autocracy, with a few other *cracys between those poles.
America is a democratic republic; the United Kingdom is a democratic monarchy. The US has a broken democratic system that does a really bad job of electing the most preferred candidate. It’s almost cheeky to call America democratic.
Erm… Larger by land mass? Yes. Larger by GDP? No. Larger by number of inhabitants? No. Larger by amount of vastly different cultures that somehow get stuff like this done whole very decidedly not being a hive mind? Also no.
As an American, you’re being silly. You’ve heard of the Silk Road? The Mediterranean? The Old World has been rubbing shoulders with each other since 4000+ years ago. We just got here in comparison.
I mean, in terms of humans that’s 2 generations, and since diversity and populations concern humans, that’s a big head start. But you can keep applying off topic cliches if they help you feel better.
Hey, 'Muricans, how come we need to pressure every company into compliance for you?
Do you really think any average citizen has any say in this whatsoever?
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On paper yes. In reality…
Isn’t that the point of your guns? Why are all these less free states more free?
Nah, those are just so we can shoot nonwhite people and say we thought they had a gun
well, on paper also no, democracy don’t exist with only two parties, and that is writed in paper
An electoral democracy, we choose those that make the laws. Due to the 2 party system we don’t have many options for when they fail to do what they claim they will.
No, we’re a republic.
A true democracy would empower each of us to do as you say, but that’s not what’s here.
Our republic is quite corrupt due to greed and power, as well… Not as corrupt as many countries out there, mind you, but it’s alot worse than it should be.
We’re starting to resemble a corporatocracy in many ways these days as a result of all this.
‘Republic’ is about whether or not you have kings. Democracy is as opposed to autocracy, with a few other *cracys between those poles.
America is a democratic republic; the United Kingdom is a democratic monarchy. The US has a broken democratic system that does a really bad job of electing the most preferred candidate. It’s almost cheeky to call America democratic.
Obviously since it’s happening for us Europeans
Great America, land of the free
Free to be shot at and advertised to
Land of the fee and home of the slave
See: Regulatory Capture
Hey, 'Peans, how come you think a country larger than your pseudo continent is a homogenous hivemind?
E: what Ive learned from this comment is that apparently, all europeans share 1 single trait, which is just utterly horrid reading comprehension
Because Europe is so fucking homogenous that we stared 2 world wars just because we agree so much
We agreed so much in the past that the 30 years war could never have happened in Euro… Oh.
They agree with eachother so much in eastern Europe that there are no wars and everyone just hugs. Oh wait.
Well, we could agree on those two things, at least…
If you think saying “that nation isnt homogenous” means “all other nations are homogenous” you probably shouldnt weigh in on adult convos
Erm… Larger by land mass? Yes. Larger by GDP? No. Larger by number of inhabitants? No. Larger by amount of vastly different cultures that somehow get stuff like this done whole very decidedly not being a hive mind? Also no.
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ThEre ArE no iMmIgRaNtS in EuRopE
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As an American, you’re being silly. You’ve heard of the Silk Road? The Mediterranean? The Old World has been rubbing shoulders with each other since 4000+ years ago. We just got here in comparison.
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Let me quote:
So yeah. That.
The rest of your comment is blatantly ignorant AND horridly racist, so I think I’ll just do is both a favor and ignore it.
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Keep digging shovel boy
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Where in your quote does it say europe has no immigrants?
I refer you to the other thread for an in depth explanation.
40 years counts as quite a long time in american history i suppose
I mean, in terms of humans that’s 2 generations, and since diversity and populations concern humans, that’s a big head start. But you can keep applying off topic cliches if they help you feel better.
The majority of the immigrant population in 'Murica are from Europe.
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I bet this person is one of those “actually, I’m 1/8th Irish” people…
It is certainly more diverse lol
American moment
The US is smaller than Europe in size of population and in area.
Sorry, our country is currently on fire 😕
For $100,000 the US Congress will tell you!
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Which war? Help me out here. Vietnam? Iraq? Korea? I’m lost here … Oh wait…
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So your answer is "I could tell you, but I won’t " and a personal attack? Talk about “not flattering on you”.
So: which war the EU is involved in are you “funding”?
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Nah. Those corps will still do it at home or sell it as PR at home.