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The other rules are made up as we go along.

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  • @selfMA
    47 months ago

    // Where we're going we won't need regexes.

    fuck yes

    • @froztbyte
      47 months ago

      honestly I considered writing a parser-based approach

      then I was too tired and thought “hmm, doing this with grok would be funny”, but I didn’t have logstash handy and fuck dealing with containers at midnight

      I will, however, do that today

      • @froztbyte
        47 months ago

        Status report: grok allows for non-greedy matching but still captures greedily for term assignment. I think I have a workaround that might work (recursively pipe data back to itself, gated on length for action), need to test later

        This particular flavour of parsecrime is near guaranteed to be of interest to very few, but I want to see if I can make it work nonetheless. That’s just how my brainworms work.