At various points, on Twitter, Jezos has defined effective accelerationism as “a memetic optimism virus,” “a meta-religion,” “a hypercognitive biohack,” “a form of spirituality,” and “not a cult.” …

When he’s not tweeting about e/acc, Verdon runs Extropic, which he started in 2022. Some of his startup capital came from a side NFT business, which he started while still working at Google’s moonshot lab X. The project began as an April Fools joke, but when it started making real money, he kept going: “It’s like it was meta-ironic and then became post-ironic.” …

On Twitter, Jezos described the company as an “AI Manhattan Project” and once quipped, “If you knew what I was building, you’d try to ban it.”

    • @selfMA
      177 months ago

      posting a screenshot to preserve the cringe in its most potent form:

      yeah BasedBeffJezos is just an ironic fascist persona that has nothing to do with who I am, that’s why I’m gonna threaten anyone who associates me with BasedBeffJezos

      • @maol
        117 months ago

        Whoever said that all twitter bluechecks talk like anime villains was spot on

        • @selfMA
          117 months ago

          you might not like the consequences for exposing me as BasedEyesWHITEdragon yu-gi-boy!!!

      • @gerikson
        97 months ago

        Dude doxxed protest too much.

    • @TinyTimmyTokyo
      107 months ago

      Reading his timeline since the revelation is weird and creepy. It’s full of SV investors robotically pledging their money (and fealty) to his future efforts. If anyone still needs evidence that SV is a hive mind of distorted and dangerous group-think, this is it.