Utilitarian brainworms or one of the many very real instances of a homicidal parent going after their disabled child? I can’t decide, but it’s a depressing read.

May end up on SRD, but you read it here first.

  • @swlabr
    187 months ago

    I think in a cultural landscape where we’ve been fed fascist male power fantasies for so long, it’s only natural that we’ve got a bunch of people who think it’s cool and good to be “brutal” and able to make “hard choices” and “doing what’s necessary” etc. That and reddit has historically always been besieged by fascist troll farms.

    • @selfMA
      117 months ago

      That and reddit has historically always been besieged by fascist troll farms.

      oh absolutely, and it’s very funny when they try their typical bullshit here and on mastodon and it doesn’t work as they expect (at least for now — I’ve seen various attempts from these assholes to adjust their methods to work better on the fediverse)

    • @gerikson
      97 months ago

      Something something Sparta