Utilitarian brainworms or one of the many very real instances of a homicidal parent going after their disabled child? I can’t decide, but it’s a depressing read.

May end up on SRD, but you read it here first.

  • @sc_griffith
    127 months ago

    I mean, this is bedrock nazi ideology. gotta purge those degenerates

    • @Soyweiser
      67 months ago

      This mensa person is also quite the idiot, thinks nazis are a race and has quite some opinions about racism (and joined the foreign legion). Check the submitted post history.

      • @maol
        47 months ago

        The foreign legion? Fuck me…in fairness a relative of a relative also did this after a breakup but he quickly deserted.

        • @Soyweiser
          37 months ago

          He has some weird post about how there is no racism between nazis and black people (who he calls blacks) in the legion because they dunno all shout insults at each other and it is normal they go towards skin color first? 130 iq doesn’t get the basics of racism. Really weird.