Anyone else have this problem? It’s been bothering me for a while and is the last thing keeping me using mobile Chrome.

On the login page , after entering username and password, the “login” button does nothing. It might slightly change color but I am not directed to the site logged in, nor do I get an error.

platform: iOS

The username and password are entered automatically via either Firefox’s password store, or iOS’.

  • @locallynonlinear
    21 year ago


    That said, don’t be a strange to family and friends about this kind of thing though. I’ve been surprised to find out people I knew were hiding their unemployment from me for months, which is totally fine and understandable – they don’t owe me anything – but sometimes, faith in that people want to help each other with meaningful things when times are hard is one of those things worth testing.

    • @geriksonOP
      31 year ago

      Thanks! I’ve been open with it with family and friends and on social media.