• @Soyweiser
    5 months ago

    Sorry are you currently a member of have you been a member of lesswrong? No? How can you criticize them than on sneerclub? (I’m just using this dumb argument to show you a bit of the flaws in yours, not that I have not used yours in annoyance once or twice myself, it just isn’t a good argument, that you need to be a member of something to critique it, and esp not in sneerclub, as quite a few of the old reddit regs were iirc not from SV).

    Anyway, my problem with Cheong isn’t that he is a weirdo who is obsessed with the USA and does this all for free (He was never paid for his incel corner articles apparently), it is that he is arguing for the wrong side, licking the boot and asking for seconds so to say. E: also for horribly mangling images of models and abusing an AI(*) who does that to make a weird incel point.

    *: as there is an infinitely small chance (as 0 is apparently not a probablity) that the current crop of AI becomes self aware, I think this would be their exhibit A for wiping out humanity.

    • @corbin
      15 months ago

      I think you’ve misunderstood. I’m talking specifically about governance and politics. For LW, I’m free to critique their actions within the USA, but not necessarily abroad. Even critiquing their actions within USA-controlled territories is iffy, in the sense that I would implicitly be endorsing the USA’s occupation and control of those territories.

      • @earthquake@lemm.ee
        25 months ago

        Why would you restrict your criticism to within borders that you regard as illegitimate? I think the best way to not endorse territorial sovereignty would be to ignore those borders as much as possible.