Bwahahahaha get fucked you unbearable scumsucking dork

I mean just look at his fucking sentence construction with the rule of three and the cute internal rhyme/alliteration on “ideology/inevitability/individual”

I’m sorry, and this isn’t massively SneerClub except insofar as the death bit is obviously very Yud-coded, it’s just this quote came up again in the middle of a long and really bleak article, and for whatever reason I just burst out laughing

He’s always so goddamn indignant, like he’s being bullied for his lunch money but he came prepped with the most badass comebacks he could think of in the mirror - I mean seriously, read the quote back to yourself out loud and see if it would ever work outside “an online libertarian journal”, let alone on a stage

Look at his fucking face, how does this guy get up in the morning and not only take himself seriously, but take himself that goddamn seriously


  • @Amoeba_Girl
    121 year ago

    Yes, he intends to be frozen as a fashion statement.

    His belief is such that he has signed up with Alcor, the leading company in the field of cryogenics, to be deep-frozen at the time of his death – as much as an ‘ideological statement’, he says, as in any expectation of being thawed out any time in the near future. ‘In telling you that I’ve signed up for it [cryogenics], there’s always this reaction that it’s really crazy, it’s disturbing. But my take on it is it’s only disturbing because it challenges our complacency.’

    • @V0ldek
      151 year ago

      the leading company in the field of cryogenics

      I’m sorry, how do you measure that? Aren’t all companies exactly tied in cryogenics for having successfully revived exactly ZERO people?

        • -dsr-
          91 year ago

          Is that actually true? Have they been audited? One problem with long-term storage is “long-term” is a thing that humans are bad at.

          • @gerikson
            91 year ago

            Just the other day, a bunch of cryo tanks holding scientific specimens in a research hospital in Sweden failed and destroyed 30 years worth of data.

        • Mike Knell
          91 year ago

          @strangebirds @V0ldek I’d like to think that every human cryo facility has a “Days Since Last Accidental Thawing-Out” sign. Or maybe “Days Since Last Midnight Dumping of Several Lumpy Sacks”.

        • @jonhendry
          61 year ago

          Supposedly the head of baseball legend Ted Williams was frozen, but was dropped and cracked at some point. Don’t know if that was the same company.

    • @selfMA
      111 year ago

      But my take on it is it’s only disturbing because it challenges our complacency.

      Peter what in the Sam fuck are you talking about?

    • @jonhendry
      101 year ago

      In the old days rich people just donated money to build a chapel, with priests or monks continually praying for the rich dead person’s soul.

      91 year ago

      I don’t think it’s disturbing. I think it’s a crock of shit but a fool and his money and all that. It sounds like Thiel doesn’t actually understand why people think he’s crazy.