Sometimes what is not said is as sneerworthy as what is said.

It is quite telling to me that HN’s regulars and throwaway accounts have absolutely nothing to say about the analysis of cultural patterns.

  • @corbinOP
    1 year ago

    That’s a real possibility. At risk of going NSFW, HN seems to have a very predictable reaction to links to (English) WP; their comments are always tangents based on personal experiences. For example:

    But (at risk of invoking the shape-rotator stereotype) it seems like it’s hard for HN’s denizens to imagine a time when they personally were experiencing a memetic effect because memes are patterns rather than concretions. For analogy, an HN full of fish would not leave a single comment on the Fish WP article, “Water.” Edit: A fairer example would be an article like “Properties of Water”, because memetics is the study of memes, and memes are like water. (“Hydrodynamics” isn’t a standalone article, but it would be another good candidate.)

      21 year ago

      So try posting an article “Oxygen” with a link to the oxygen wikipedia article.

      • @corbinOP
        21 year ago

        Go for it! I don’t have any active HN accounts and I don’t want to make one.