After so much seething over the EU and the DMA, how will he continue to defend his favorite megacorp?

Without having read the actual lawsuit yet

Says it all

  • @sc_griffith
    71 year ago

    idk who this guy is, anyone feel like giving a primer?

    • @froztbyte
      171 year ago

      Longtime Apple trufan, co-creator of markdown, and often-middling internet thonker

      Occasionally has some good opinions but only occasionally, very much got blinders on a lot of the time

      • @froztbyte
        121 year ago

        Like you know how you get weird internet nerds who’ll take a bullet for felon musk? Gruber will take 10 for apple

        • @jonhendry
          1 year ago

          All you need to know about Gruber is in this claim of his about phone photography, in a critique of a NY Times tech journalist who deigned to acknowledge that readers could just use flash to get better low-light photos:

          A mainstream technology columnist should be explaining to readers why they should not use flash, and how best to capture low-light photographs without it. “You could always just use flash” is technology malpractice.

          In reality, a mainstream technology columnist’s job isn’t to encourage readers to cough up hundreds of dollars to buy the newest phone for the sake of something that might be of negligible importance to most of them.

          Gruber clearly thinks his job is to always encourage readers to buy the latest Apple phone. At least when his job isn’t to sniff his own farts.

          Flash is also technology! Most photography and videography is done using artificial light! There aren’t many people walking around with spy satellite lenses like fucking Kubrick to do natural light camera work.

          Also I think he’s a bit of a fancy watch douchebag.

          • @froztbyte
            111 year ago

            aka “weak opinions, strongly held”

      • @selfA
        111 year ago

        co-creator of markdown

        my opinion of Gruber immediately went from “fuck that guy” to “FUCK THAT GUY” when I realized he’s the same one who’s been writing the garbage non-specs that guarantee I’ll never have a good time parsing bbcode-but-everywhere

        • @froztbyte
          71 year ago

          Yeah with that one the guy rolled a 1d3 and got to apply a constant psychic damage effect to the whole world

    • @swlabr
      101 year ago

      The least interesting member of the gruber family, they wrote him out of die hard 4.