Fun times!

HN discussion, including poo-poohing his conviction (with 10 month prison sentence) for improperly storing and selling explosives as “just selling firecrackers”:

Also Mike Hearn shows up and is topical regarding Nix:

Note that the same tactics that were used to wreck Bitcoin are now being deployed against Nix, as the open source community has struggled to learn the right lessons from Bitcoin.

  • @geriksonOP
    5 months ago

    To be honest I’ve long since forgotten where Mike Hearn stands within the crazy world of intra-BTC rivalries (Ver was behind “Bitcoin Cash” which is an offshoot) but I knew from the get-go that the facts, such as they are, in the Nix debate don’t matter. It’s become an alt-right cause celebre and yet another anecdote to weave into their yarn of dastardly SJW meddling in the holy world of FOSS. So trying to derive any sense of the analogy is useless. It’s all nasty vibes.

    • @selfA
      75 months ago

      you’re right, and I hate that you’re right. it really was that easy for the biggest alt-right pissbabies in FOSS to make this a damn thing, and nobody who could’ve stopped them did