no, really, that’s what the guy asked.


  • @bitofhope
    111 year ago

    there would be hardware and software involved, but the cartels wouldn’t be interacting with them directly. I’ll be sure to have the cartels sign my EULA before proceeding with anything.

    I can not possibly comment anything to make this line funnier.

    • @gerikson
      41 year ago

      This is a bit like reading septics[1] asking for advice on how to set up a business in another country, and finding out all about the local regulations regarding labor relations etc. Except if you mess that up, no-one will want to work for you, or you will have to pay a fine. Mess up with the cartels, you, and probably everyone you ever cared about, is dead after horrific torture.

      [1] rhyming slang for Americans, exercise on how it works is left to the reader.

    • @TinyTimmyTokyo
      41 year ago

      The OP wrote that? Ok, it’s definitely a bit.

      • @selfA
        61 year ago

        option A is it’s a troll to get the orange site to show its ass on how little it knows about buying drugs (and other adult life skills)

        option B is that the op really is this stupid, but changed their tone to be more humorous to try and stop other posters from using the info they had in their profile to contact their employer and family about their bad idea

        I lean toward B but both have their appeal