WE DEMAND A CORRECTION TO uh various minor nitpicks

also we swear we totally didn’t get your email

bonus from thread:

I am having a lot of fun on Manifold, but if the team insists on inviting eugenics speakers to conferences, its probably time for me to leave :-/

What exactly is your objection to people exercising their bodily autonomy to implement voluntary eugenics?

  • @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM
    113 months ago

    Oh fuck. It took me to see the twitter avi to remember but I have Oliver Habryka registered as “absolute psychopath” in my tortured memory box since way back. Nice to see him doing so well but I wish I could remember what triggered the original mental note, assuming that it was ever anything that specific

    • @gerikson
      113 months ago

      Back in the pre-Elon days I idly wished Twitter had something like RES to be able to tag idiots. Now ofc the blue check does a good job as a first-pass filter.