I feel swipe to type should be an option on laptops. Using keys to type is slow compared to swiping across alphabets. Remove the physical keyboard and put a 6" to 10" lcd with touch input on it.

  • @CatZoomies@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I’d like to see the average user on a Swipe keyboard beat me typing on a real computer keyboard.

    Interested in friendly competiton? Take the typing test and compare your results!

    Typing Test: https://www.typingtest.com/

    My Results:

    Test Type: Medium

    Two baselines performed, third test is the result.

    Words Per Minute: 120 wpm net speed (123 wpm x 97% accuracy = 120 wpm)

    Screenshot of results: https://i.postimg.cc/VNCJT1nX/artifact.png

    Edit to Add:

    I selected “Medium” because that seemed like just enough difficulty and word variety compared to the “Hard” mode. Most average users should not be typing text with much more complexity often, so Medium seems best.

    • sam
      12 years ago

      Some of the skill might be transferrable. My sister has been on iPhone for years and gets 120 wpm on monkeytype with predictive text on. For comparison, she gets 110 on a normal chiclet keyboard.