• @humorlessrepost@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      To be fair, it’s far more precise, being a subset of racism, especially given the context of some racist slurs being filtered while others aren’t, depending on the targeted race.

      In today’s fucked up world, it wouldn’t surprise me if anti-white and anti-black slurs were filtered but anti-hispanic and anti-asian slurs weren’t, for instance, maybe to drive nationalism regardless of race. I appreciate the additional clarity.

      • @Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
        52 months ago

        It’s possible that they are more vocally anti-black, but it has been my experience that hateful people are just full of hate. They go after the most convenient target, and have no problems with changing to another target if it is just as convenient.

        • Flying Squid
          22 months ago

          You are lucky enough to not know enough racists because there are plenty who restrict all their hate to one category of human.

          • @Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
            12 months ago

            Don’t I wish. Frankly, I envy you your optimistic faith in humanity, but it seems a little naive to believe that someone who irrationally hates a group of people for some imaginary reason won’t just find another group and another imagined reason if the original group was to be removed.

            • Flying Squid
              12 months ago

              That’s a weird sort of if considering that’s not really something that happens. I have no idea how you could even prove that, for example, someone who hates black people would start hating Asians even though they had no issue with Asians before if all the black people on the planet vanished.

              • @Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
                12 months ago

                It sounds like it isn’t me that hasn’t been around enough racists. Once you have lived long enough to see the demographics of places change, you will see the target of the resident racists change.

                • Flying Squid
                  12 months ago

                  Feel free to back up your claim with more than “trust me, bro.”

                  • @Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
                    12 months ago

                    I am not sure exactly what kind of proof you expect me to deliver that isn’t “trust me, bro” all the way to the bottom. I don’t keep in touch with the racists in my life, so I can’t supply you with a way to contact them and verify my analysis. Do you want an example of what I am talking about?
                    Then here’s the most basic example that I can think of… I moved in next door to a guy that I eventually realized was into some of the same shit that I was. We started hanging around a bit and one late night we after finishing some repairs on my car, we took it for a test drive and decided to make a run to taco Bell cause it was the only thing still open. The guy at the window is black and this dude starts dropping hard Rs and asking the guy at the window if it is normal people making his food, or a bunch of monkeys, ect, ect. I then did my best to avoid him, and as soon as my 6 month lease was up, I got the fuck out of there because I didn’t want get shot by someone with the wrong apartment number. Over the span of about 30 years that particular area went from largely black to almost completely Hispanic. Most of the old food places went out of business, or moved, but a few of the best lingered on, so I would make the trip sometimes just for the food.
                    As I am standing in line outside one of my favorites, a guy comes walking out of the place and walks up to me like he knows me. I realize it is my old neighbor. This food place is owned, and operated by a family so dark that there’s absolutely no confusion about them being black, so I am thinking that maybe this dude changed his ways and learned to not be a piece of shit, but then he starts in on how the neighborhood got taken over by illegals and other Hispanic slurs. The thing is, when I met him way back, he spoke Spanish, he was dating a Hispanic, and as far as I could tell, all of his friends were Hispanic.
                    I doubt that he was suddenly in love with blacks, but it was quite clear that black wasn’t his most hated skin color anymore.

      • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Holy shit I love telling people my grandma was black when they say racist shit. I do not appear “black” in any way but it usually shuts people down.