Guys, at this rate I don’t think the revolution’s going to happen anytime soon.

  • @zbyte64
    272 months ago

    I mean it depends on the context of how UBI is going to get paid for. If it is funded by a wealth tax then I am on board. But that’s not how the powerful proponents of UBI say it should be funded. Andrew Yang would have us take it out of Social Security to pay for it but you don’t hear him say we should uncap Social Security contributions.

    • Also, I think rent caps or something need to be introduced as well. I worry about landlords just assuming you have an extra 2,000 on you and then taking it.

      But implemented with the right protections, I would love UBI.

        12 months ago

        UBI gives you “moving expense money”. Greedy landlords gives builders incentive to build more to give you alternatives. If you don’t want to work, then moving to smaller communities is a more affordable choice, and you can move before you have a job lined up. A problem with welfare/UI is not just that any job income get’s clawed back at 50%, but you need to stay close to the same welfare office to keep getting benefits.

        • I’m not sure what you’re saying.

          If landlords can assume every tenant they’ll ever see has 2,000 plus their income, then they can just set rent to be 2,000 plus the average income of the area (or whatever it is they do currently). That’s what I’m worried about.

          Like, I’m worried about inter-landlord collusion that happens not because they’re talking to each other but because they can all assume the same facts about you.

          I mean, truthfully, I think landlords should be cut out of the game anyway, but that’s a wholly separate issue.

            12 months ago

            If landlords can assume every tenant they’ll ever see has 2,000 plus their income, then they can just set rent to be 2,000 plus

            You are assuming a world where landlords are all powerful assholes operating as a cartel. UBI redistributes power both at the supreme government level, and at individual relations levels. Everyone has “I won’t do what you tell me” money even if it is not quite the “fuck you” money you currently think landlords have. “Oppressive fuck you” money only exists in a world of corrupt markets.

            if UBI is $1500/month, there is certain to be a rise in the number of housing options that rent for $1000-$2000. UBI empowers you and 10 of your friends to get into the real estate business and build more homes, and make a lot of money doing so. Your fear makes UBI more attractive because current social corruption suppresses new housing because scarce housing has a large cohort benefiting from extortionist property values. UBI benefiting that cohort is good for democratic appeal of UBI.

            Humanist economics is abundance instead of scarcity. Creating abundant housing or abundant anything else is a huge job creator. UBI also allows for room mates/subleasing where you are sure tenants can afford to pay. Denser living is also abundance. Market solutions for housing exist. Government getting into the housing construction business on a break even target basis with market affordability (small) mission, is a 0 cost government program to promote abundance, and can be done locally.

            • and make a lot of money doing so.

              I don’t want people to make a lot of money off of housing. Why would I want that?

              Look, people had more relative income before, and rent is too high now. If UBI gives people more income now, rent will be too high later. There need to be rent caps. UBI alone doesn’t fix the fundamental problem.

              I mean, at best you’re saying that laissez-faire competition will make rent caps unnecessary, to which I say great! Let’s add them anyway. No one will ever set rent as high as the cap, so there should be no problem.

                12 months ago

                I don’t want people to make a lot of money off of housing

                Corruption of housing market already exists. Home owners want scarce housing. You start by saying you are angry/fearful that landlords will raise rents, and the market solution to that is more landlords.

                UBI/unconditional cash gives you and everyone else more options. Definition of freedom. You get get into the housing industry with the goal of making housing much more affordable for everyone else while just making less money than the market could give you. Everyone gets to make more money from work, if they want work, and afford the housing they aspire to. UBI permits more home ownership options with less risky/cheaper mortgages.

                rent caps

                rent control which is maximum yearly increases are still a good thing. Rent caps are not because you’re/should be allowed to rent 10000 square feet, and then allowed to subdivide that to sublet to 100 people if that is path you want.

      12 months ago

      Income taxes, especially if investment income is not given preferential treatment, is even with a flat tax on first $100k income, with surtaxes on higher incomes, something that impacts the rich/successful while still making them more rich. You don’t need to cling to “only a wealth tax or burn it all down”. Wealth generates investment income. Taxing that properly is all that is needed.

      • @zbyte64
        42 months ago

        Sure, I’m on board as long as the fix isn’t to cut other social safety nets.

          12 months ago

          The higher the UBI, the more programs can be cut and make the beneficiaries (excluding people with cushy jobs administering them) of those programs still better off, while either making the UBI even higher (from cost savings) or not increasing taxes as much. The conditionality of programs is always a poverty trap, that unconditional cash solves.

          Our current government/candidates says some polite things about their role in shared prosperity. While security needs are real, that should in fact be the only role of government. Rationed bandaids meant to be divisive and anger raising, provides power with the real objectives of rulership. Deliver slaves to the oligarchs. When you oppose your precisous slavery trapping bandaids being removed for the freedom of unconditional cash that grows with economic growth that redistribution provides you are simply submitting to government power over all of us.