In the spirit of our earlier “happy computer memories” thread, I’ll open one for happy book memories. What’s a book you read that occupies a warm-and-fuzzy spot in your memory? What book calls you back to the first time you read it, the way the smell of a bakery brings back a conversation with a friend?

As a child, I was into mystery stories and Ancient Egypt both (not to mention dinosaurs and deep-sea animals and…). So, for a gift one year I got an omnibus set of the first three Amelia Peabody novels. Then I read the rest of the series, and then new ones kept coming out. I was off at science camp one summer when He Shall Thunder in the Sky hit the bookstores. I don’t think I knew of it in advance, but I snapped it up and read it in one long summer afternoon with a bottle of soda and a bag of cookies.

  • @blakestaceyOPA
    41 month ago

    There was one where Tom Swift and his spaceship pals landed on a planet ruled by robots, and the surviving organic people were hiding out as refugees in the jungle, and the robots wanted to make Tom’s friend Anita subservient to her cybernetic leg… I think?

    • @saucerwizard
      41 month ago

      aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh god that takes me back