Hit: 1 in DNC
Fetched 60 senators in 16 months
Reading policy stances...Done
Building volunteer organizations...Done
Defending election outcomes...Done
219 house members can be upgraded, type "apt list --rebublicans" to see them.
You don’t do that in America (if you want to win). You take an existing party and push it in your direction. That’s how the party of Reagan is embracing tariffs.
-get install actualleftistparty
Edit: I don’t even use Linux. I’m being infected by your stink.
You don’t do that in America (if you want to win). You take an existing party and push it in your direction. That’s how the party of Reagan is embracing tariffs.
Ask the whigs about it.
Well you can make your own, but mind you don’t get Fred Hampton’d.
Just meet me at the