Because of all the mass surveillance…

    916 days ago

    It depends, Terminator was a very unique story and more of a horror/slasher movie than an action movie. I prefer the first one, but I didn’t always.

    Terminator 2 is a fun action movie with heart. It’s a very good movie, but it copies a lot from the original. That being said, it really pushes the boundaries of animation tech at the time, to the point where almost all the VFX still hold up.

    I also really enjoy The Sarah Connor Chronicals, because it goes pretty deep into an interesting time travel war that was set up by T2. Those three IPs are all very different from each other, and are all great stories. Everything else is basically a money grab.

    • thermal_shock
      16 days ago

      I don’t agree they were a money grab. A money grab in my opinion is something, usually crappy, made based off the popularity of the first edition. T2 spent a lot of money making a great sequel. You can tell the writers/directors/actors/staff cared about the project.

      A money grab would be 8 American pie “sequels” riding on the coat tails of a popular teen movie at the time.

      Maybe Terminator 3 onward can be considered cash grabs, but definitely not T2 in my opinion, there is a reason it’s one of the few sequels considered equal or better than the original.

      Reread your comment. Yes, those 3 are solid, rest are money grabs.