This statement came after the meeting with Doug and the fed ministers.

      302 days ago

      We really ought to stop exports of anything their military needs, for national security reasons. “National security” is one of Trump’s favorite justifications, so I’m sure he’ll understand.

        92 days ago

        That’s how you definitely get invaded. Cover Canada in spikes before you do something like that.

          11 hour ago

          Oh… so we are already forced to give US everything they want always. Glad to learn this. An alternative to that arrangement would be better relations with other colonies, and US enemies. How much would it cost to get North Korea to give us a nuclear umbrella? Compared to continuing our current colonial status, the latter could appear to be a good deal for US.

          13 hours ago

          If they invade Canada, they better not grant citizenship. 30 million New Democrats (75% of Canadians), many new senators, and a bunch of electoral collage votes. There would not be another Republican government for at least a generation. Starting in 2026 (mid-terms).

          Just the Canadians already living in the US would have stopped Trump from winning last election.

          All we need to do is remind them of the above and they will never, ever invade. It is perhaps our most powerful shield.

          With the above in mind, stop sending them nickel immediately. Their military will do the negotiating for us.

          The only have the power we give them. Please give them none.

          16 hours ago

          Why he has said they don’t need anything from us. Is he going to go back on that?

        232 days ago

        The only people who actually believe that “Canada is the bad guy” are the dumbest of the dumb Republican voters. Most people with any sense can see that Trump is the asshole here. Every other world leader, except for putin, publically acknowledges this.

        I will also add that Lutnick is a massive piece of shit and paints trump as the saint of all saints. Canada shouldn’t even bother having talks with any of their representatives if they’re playing pigeon chess.

          82 days ago

          Yeah I was reading yesterday that the spat with Canada is hugely unpopular with American citizens. Even many GOP voters don’t want it. I suspect that the US will keep tariffs up and continue being a pain in the ass, but they will shift their military threats elsewhere. The recent news of the US planning an invasion of Panama seems more possible and would easier for them to sell to the US people. It would still be economic suicide, though.

            26 hours ago

            I think if the invade Panama, it increases the chance we get invaded. And if the do Greenland after Panama our likelihood of staying a sovereign nation plummets.

            132 days ago

            Crazy to think that voters were convinced that “sleepy joe”, and whatever nickname they gave Kamla Harris, would have been worse than what’s happening now.

            112 days ago

            Hopefully, Canadian leaders are wise enough to take the threats to Canada’s sovereignty extremely seriously. It should be their number one priority. Just because the Dollar Menu aficionado in the White House says something that seems baffling on its surface doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be planning for the worst.

              92 days ago

              Absolutely. It does seem as though the new Carney government is up to the task, but we do have an election coming so we shall see.

              That said, the Cons are not polling particularly good right now and it would be easy for the Liberals to form coalition with the NDP, Greens, and/or Bloc. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that those parties would cooperate with the US-aligned Cons under PP.

        42 days ago

        American here. We are dumb. And dangerous. He’s probably going to go after Panama and Mexico first, but make no mistake, he will come for Canada if he can.

        Please take the opportunity to remind us why the Geneva Convention is such a long list.

          22 days ago

          That makes us look kinda shitty though, maybe instead y’all could pull a major redemption move and remind us why the second amendment is held so near and dear to y’all’s hearts.

            13 hours ago

            Unfortunately the people smart enough to realize what’s happening are also smart enough to realize how terrible things will get if we do truly kick off a civil war.

            For now we’ve moved past the Soap and Ballot boxes, and now we’re watching the Jury box. Once that fails…