The Convoy being a rights movement was a skin-deep excuse for what it actually was. It did not take long at all before it turned into a general anti-vax fascist movement that saw significant funding and support coming up from the US.
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!
The Convoy being a rights movement was a skin-deep excuse for what it actually was. It did not take long at all before it turned into a general anti-vax fascist movement that saw significant funding and support coming up from the US.
Carney and the Liberals are far from being fascist. He’s what could be considered centre-right, before American politics completely destroyed people’s understanding of the political spectrum.
He has socially centre-left beliefs while being somewhat mildly fiscally conservative. That’s a type of politician Canada has not had in years and part of why he has been so popular lately, especially with moderate conservatives who have felt unrepresented.
Also this is not surprising if you remember who he is replacing. He knows has to distance himself from Trudeau’s government or he is going to lose.
“Tell me of at least 5 privacy laws you’ve violated in the last month or you’re fired”
Excellent news.
Buying expensive (and compromised) military hardware from the country that is literally threatening war on us is, to put it mildly, beyond stupid.
I hope the US military industrial complex appreciates just how badly Trump has screwed them. No country that truly respects their own sovereignty will purchase American weapons again.
Absolutely. It does seem as though the new Carney government is up to the task, but we do have an election coming so we shall see.
That said, the Cons are not polling particularly good right now and it would be easy for the Liberals to form coalition with the NDP, Greens, and/or Bloc. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that those parties would cooperate with the US-aligned Cons under PP.
Yeah I was reading yesterday that the spat with Canada is hugely unpopular with American citizens. Even many GOP voters don’t want it. I suspect that the US will keep tariffs up and continue being a pain in the ass, but they will shift their military threats elsewhere. The recent news of the US planning an invasion of Panama seems more possible and would easier for them to sell to the US people. It would still be economic suicide, though.
To make it look like we are treating them unfairly. They are trying to make Canada look like the bad guy.
America’s unstoppable thirst for short-term profit is why they currently have a corporate-backed fascist in office that is threatening to invade US’s (supposed) allies to pillage their resources and economies.
Whether they do or not, the US as we have known it is in its death throes. They have surrendered nearly all of their soft power and made themselves a trade pariah. Entire industries are going to crumble as megacorps swoop in like vultures to devour the carcasses as the walls of their economy close in and the whole building collapses. It is in everyone’s best interest to move their interests and money as far away from the US as possible.
They desperately want to flood our protected markets and crash our economy and are pissed we aren’t letting them - hence the threats. Literally every interaction we have had with the Donald government has been a goddamn threat. Let us crush your local production, let us have your resources, let us have the Arctic, etc etc
It’s not like Trump’s desires are a secret or anything. He outright talks about Canada joining the US almost daily, and throws in some threats about Greenland too every so often too. It is just how Trump works - he assumes everything is his for the taking until someone more powerful than him says no. The prick can’t even hold tariffs for a few days before powerful CEO’s call him and tell him to knock it off.
But as pointed out in the link: It would be the last thing the Trump admin does. The US would quickly succumb to civil war as every member of NATO and Canada’s military partners swarm to defend it and the rebelling US states. The US, as it stands today, would effectively be destroyed.
I can’t imagine Canada joining like a normal EU member country would. But I do hope Canada enters into special cooperation and trade agreements if possible.
Let me guess: This is the next “thing” that Donald is going to demand a “better deal” on?
Awesome news. I wish them the absolute best because nobody should have to rely on a fascist-owned network.
It all comes together when you remember he’s acting on orders from Putin to weaken his own country. Some of the first actions he took were to A) Stop helping Ukraine to take strain off Putin, and B) Start weakening the US economy by angering trade partners. Canada is the biggest trade partner of the US so naturally we got hit first and hardest.
But the US is the land of greed and maximum profit so they don’t actually make much there any more. Canada has a healthy internal economy that just got a big boost from lowered inter-provincial trade barriers whereas the US does not do as much trade internally. They rely heavily on imports of goods and raw materials, especially from Canada.
Canada will hurt from this but we have materials and the world is full of customers, so we can adjust strategy and adapt. The US? They need to buy these materials and they just gave the middle finger to the entire rest of the world. The US will hurt so much more in the long run, and I’m sure that is entirely why Donald is doing this. Even if the US were to invade it still wouldn’t fix their shattered economy as all trade with Canada would cease and they would have to find a way to obtain said materials and send them south all while fighting a multi-million strong resistance that would likely be assisted by foreign powers. All while their own economy would collapse and internal unrest might turn into civil revolt or even civil war. None of the states that border Canada are going to want a conflict on their soil and border cities are so close together that US citizens will suffer too.
There is no situation where the US walks away as a winner, but I’m sure that is exactly what Putin ordered. This is a highly planned attack on the US by itself, taking pressure off Russia and leaving the pacific open to China.
Some retired Canadian Forces senior officers, such as former chief of the defence staff Gen. Rick Hillier, have voiced support for a Canada that is integrated more closely with the U.S.
Boy am I glad he is retired then.
I hope we tell this delegation that we are thrilled to see them and discuss this with them.
trying to flush a turd but it keeps floating back up to the surface.
X competitors like Bluesky, Threads, and Mastodon have so far remained active and accessible, giving X users alternative platforms to jump to while X works on its issues.
Why wait? Jump ship and never look back!
Trudeau will be remembered for many things
including all the conservatives that wanted to fuck him.
I really don’t think that had much to do with it.
It should be no surprise that during an economic crisis, the candidate that successfully lead two central banks was selected.
A lot of polls put the Cons ahead of the Liberals by a few points, but trailing if Carney was leader.
Military service is a hard concept to grasp when you’re sitting comfy at home, not a care in the world and all the conflicts are “over there”.
It’s a very different story when there is an existential threat looming over your head, weighing on your shoulders like a mountain. Canada’s armed forces is already meeting its yearly recruitment targets due to repeated threats of invasion from the United States.