It’s because there is a vast concerted effort by the political left to destroy Musk now that he is no longer regarded as being strictly on their side. It’s at Trumpian scale these days, in terms of the venom being directed at him.

Reddit is overflowing with non-stop Musk hatred. They spout lie after lie about him in every single thread where he’s a topic. The most popular lie being that his business efforts - ie his success - were funded by an emerald mine that his father owned (neither thing is true).

I say this as an emotionally independent, objective observer of the craziness, I have no stake in it, and don’t feel one way or another about it. The seeming mental illness the topic of Musk seems to draw out of people is astounding however, the herd promptly acts like deranged lunatics when he comes up as a topic.

Until Trump I had never seen anything like it before, in person or online. There must be a name for such a massive scale of crowd insanity, to describe the frothing-at-the-mouth irrationality.

my deranged lunatic hivemind venomous mentally ill frothing-at-the-mouth leftist brain can’t handle how rational this fucking asshole’s take on musk and trump is

there’s also this at the top of the thread:

I’ve been mostly ambivalent about the Musk-era at Twitter—mostly because I just don’t care enough to have an opinion.

This, though. This one makes me angry and disappointed.

Twitter has had such a solid brand for so long. It’s accomplished things most marketers only dream of: getting a verb like “Tweet” into the standard lexicon is like the pinnacle of branding.

turning one of the most popular sites on the internet into a cesspit of transphobia and nazis: ambivalent

musk fails to appreciate the Twitter brand: angry and disappointed

remember, hacker news is a bastion of high-quality discussion. fucking shitheads

  • @gerikson
    101 year ago

    I trawled through some comments and found this amazing titbit

    You probably can’t pick obscenity in the US but otherwise anything goes. (Semantically/phonetically at least - orthography is a bit more limited.)

    That most European countries have a whitelist of names was one of the more shocking parts of moving here.

    I mean, it’s a deep cut. For most septics, the fact you can’t buy a gun at the local walmart analog in Europe, or that the state provides health insurance via mandatory deductions from your salary are the shocking parts. Imagine moving to Europe, conceiving a child, then getting mad you can’t call it Hitler or something.

    • @kuna
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @gerikson
        71 year ago

        OK, I’m in Sweden, and to be scrupulously fair we’ve had that issue too. Our kid wanted to change their name to “Winter” and was only able to because another couple had successfully appealed a rejection for that name from the authority in charge.

        I’m open to “protecting” kids from getting offensive names while they cannot consent to it, but if you get to the age where you can drive a moped you should be able to change it to something more “out there”. Compromise!

    • @selfOPA
      71 year ago

      musk fans trying hard to lay the groundwork for the claim that his kids’ names aren’t awful, they’re an expression of red hot wet American freedom and we wouldn’t understand because we have terminal communism