We can get dumber
Guy looks exactly as I would’ve imagined him.
I can hear him saying, “of course it will be fine” with a tone that implies questioning the fineness was the stupidest thing he’s ever heard, because he thinks projecting confidence works for anything just like it works for tricking people that he knows things he really doesn’t.
And then there’s a good chance he acts like there was no way anyone could see the result coming once it’s clear that it isn’t, in fact, fine.
Needs more tattoos to be a proper Pauly D.
How American do you need to be to drive directly on the beach
Tbf, there are American beaches known for being drivable. Specifically, Daytona Beach.
Maybe it’s not a good idea to drive even on a drivable beach?
It’s kind of their whole thing though. It’s how NASCAR got started. Without it, it would kill a large part of their tourism.
You can just tell that dumb motherfucker is trying to explain what actually went wrong
That photo is somewhat disappointing due the the lack of a douchebag vanity plate.
Fuck. That is a much better title.
You can still change it! No one will notice it!
A wave od horror washing over me as I realize these idiots can afford a Cybertruck while I can only have an old beater.
wealth and stupidity come hand in hand in many, many cases.
I think this is partially because in order to make a lot of money in most cases you have to fuck someone else over and never have it occur to you thats what you’re doing. Like if you find out you can buy t-shirts for €1, then you go to your neighbor and tell them they can have a t-shirt for the low price of €30 (and manage not to feel bad about that) you’re a successful businessman and a pilliar of the community.
And if you can get someone to even do the part of finding the $1 t-shirts for another $1 instead of you doing any work, you are a job creator.
And then another person to do the selling for $2 of profit they can have
Cyber truck buyers are Elon worshipping tech bros, which means that they think they are smarter and better than everybody else. This leads to acts of hubris like the above picture, which are obviously very stupid and easy to see coming, but these types of people think, “I am very smart and know exactly what I am doing at all times. This will be fine, because I am doing it.”
Why don’t you buy a Cybertruck on a loan and pay monthly installments? Better yet, put it on your credit card and push the debt into the future.
Oh, maybe because you’re not nuts. Drive that old beater until it dies.
Your old beater will last longer in the rain
Since no one else has said it, this isn’t a design flaw of the truck. The operator didn’t let air out of their tires. Before driving on sand you really want to let your tire PSI down to like 15 to be safe. I used to pull hummers out of the beach with my old four cylinder Nissan pickup because their drivers were often overconfident they didn’t need to deflate their tires (or just completely unaware). I don’t like Tesla but this is an operator error, not a fatal flaw of the truck.
It’s more of the taking $150k truck that doesn’t like sand, salt, or water to the beach.
You aren’t wrong though
I used to race cars, and would over/ under inflate my tires based on the weather and track conditions. Never thought about driving on sand, but that’s a super useful tip that I would wager most people have never heard.
It’s not just sand, rock crawlers will deflate tires down to single digits (that’s why they use beadlocks) so that the tires actually wrap around the rocks.
I guess you’re talking about psi.
(No offense to you, dear Buffaloaf, I just looked it up and thought I might share).
For everyone of the 191 non-USA countries, 10 psi is 0,69 bar or 690 hPa. That’s pretty low.
By the way, why is psi written in such a weird way? It should be lbs/ in^2
Because in^2 is generally said “square inches.”
So it’s “pounds per square inch.”
Sometimes “per” will get its own letter, like in PPM - parts per million - and sometimes it’s left off, as in PSI.
Thanks, friend :)
I know how it comes to be, I just think it’s stupid.
For example, kW times h is not the same as kW per hour. That’s why kWh means kilowatt times hour.
If I wrote ms to denote meters per second that would create massive confusion.
That is an excellent point. Yeah, PSI would totally read as pounds times square inches which would be something else entirely. Adding in the extra P would fix it, too. PPSI. Suppose it’s another thing that people just have to get used to, haha.
I would even say, it reads as pounds times seconds times inch
Or pikoseconds times inch
Or pikoseconds times square root of -1 but now I’m being silly
Well, I don’t have to get used to it, but some people seam to handle it well.
Eh, it’s pretty unambiguous. kW/hour is a pretty useless unit. Power surges may be measured in kW/s or something, but they don’t really have any impact over a span of more than a couple seconds.
Likewise, pounds times square inches is equivalent go kg*m3/s2 in SI units - which also seems pretty meaningless. Maybe there is a use for it?
What really grinds my gears is that pounds are a unit of mass, not force. The “pounds” in “pounds per square inch” is short for “pounds-force“. It’s the force of one pound of mass accelerating at 1g. Preposterous.
Wait wait Wait, can you give me more on this kWh thing? I thought I understood this already.
A single kW is a unit of power, literally 1000 watts.
A kWh is a unit of energy, as in stored or delivered. Draw 500 watts for 2 hours? That’s a kWh. Or have a battery that can hold 1 kWh, then assuming 100% efficiency you could draw 1000 watts from it for an hour before it was empty.
All of this is kW times hour, I would say? But in my mind I would interchangeably say per hour as well, they feel the same.
Obviously I’m wrong, but I’d like to know why lol
A watt is a derived unit for a rate of change, an amount of energy used in a unit of time, so P = E / t. A kW per hour would be a rate divided by time, or E / t^2, resulting in another rate.
More colloquially, think of watts/power by analogy to another rate, that of speed. Moving at a speed of 100kph for 3 hours results in 300 speed-hours of distance. Saying 100 kilometers per hour per 3 hours sounds awkward, but is actually a weird way to say acceleration, a rate of change of speed. (And probably a hint to get your car serviced.)
Anyway, the key is to think of a kilowatt as a rate, not a quantity.
If you use exactly 20 kW for an hour, it will translate to 20 kWh. But if your power usage varies over time, you can’t keep track of it so simple. It’s just how it is.
The unit is really watt [W] and the Greek prefix kilo (k) for 1000. This way it’s fast and easy to convert to different scales (like Mega, Giga etc) for comparing numbers
And why?
Because we said so.
As an Aussie I’ve used metric for everything my whole life, but I’ve just realised that everything I’ve ever used to inflate stuff has been metered in PSI. I just know that ~30PSI is good for tyres, ~15PSI is good for soccer balls.
I wouldn’t know the conversions because there’s no use for it because that’s not what the pumps use. Weird.
Sorry, yeah I meant psi. And yeah, pressure units annoy the hell out of me too. There’s psi, kPa, Barr, Torr, atm, mmH20, in. Hg, and so on. It’s dumb.
Yeah same I was inflating all the bicycle tires of my family. On most of the tires it says inflate to x bar, but my electric pump only knows psi.
bar is just the sensible scale for Pascal (1mbar = 1hPa), where 1 bar is about exactly standard atmospheric pressure. Beware though if you see bar scales it’s often not an absolute but overpressure scale, if the tyre pressure gauge says “1 bar” it means 1 bar over atmospheric pressure, that is, about 2 bar. 1 bar is also about the pressure of 10m of water.
atm is metric, too, with 1atm being exactly standard atmospheric pressure, toss it for bar. mmHg is only used in medicine, not used for actual calculations back in the days where blood pressure was first measured they did it with mercury scales and there was never any reason to change, on the contrary, changing would only introduce confusion. Torr is the same as mmHg, forget about it. The rest is colonial nonsense.
Generally speaking you can hold in the valve for 60 seconds to let out enough air from your street pressure for off-road. It’s better to measure and you really want a 12v compressor to reinflate for the ride home but in a pinch…
Yeah it made me a lot of extra cash when I was in high school. I would park over the on-ramp for beach access and wait for a tourist to inevitably get stuck. Most of the time I wouldn’t ask for money but they’d give me a nice tip since they knew the only other option was to call a tow truck. The park service requires a permit to off road now, and that info is on the permit so fortunately for visitors it happens less often now.
This is definitely a Tesla flaw. Anyone dumb enough to buy one of these trucks is dumb enough to take it on the beach.
how? Or more specifically, what?
You attract the customers you advertise to, I guess.
i mean, i suppose so, but that’s not a flaw. That’s marketing.
That’s handy to know, but I believe the implication is that the owner of the car in the photo is dumb for buying the car and then dumb for getting it stuck in sand.
Or just don’t drive on sand that is so soft you sink to your ankles walking in it.
Does that still apply to vehicles that weigh 6600+ lbs?
I towed several hummer v2s. Wiki says they are 6400 lbs stock.
They do fine when tires are deflated.
Calm? It scares the ever-living shit out of me that I’m surrounded by these people every day. They drive next to me. They have power over me. It’s frightening.
What am I looking at? Should I conclude that Cybertruck is a bad off-road vehicle, or that sand is an unsuitable surface for driving, or both?
Yes both
An F-150 weighs just over 4,000 pounds. A Cybertruck weighs nearly 7,000.
That’s a lot of weight pushing into the soft sand.
This isn’t true. Many higher trim F150s (bigger cab, 4wd, luxury interior) weigh over 6000lbs. Only the smallest, cheapest ones used for work vehicles are on the 4000lb range. Not defending the Cybertruck, but repeating false info doesn’t help.
The 2023 F150 King Ranch Super Crew has a curb weight of 4,912 pounds. The Cybertruck is nearly a ton heavier.
It’s not an unfair to explain that being heavy affects traction in the sand, and batteries weigh a freaking ton. In the case of the F150 Lightning, for instance, the battery is 1800 pounds, and it’s pretty close to the Tesla in weight.
Side note: the King Ranch Super Crew sounds like a range of chicken burgers.
Some of the trims listed here are 5800 lbs: https://www.ford.com/trucks/f150/2023/models/f150-limited/
If you look at the f250, some are over 7500lbs: https://www.ford.com/trucks/super-duty/models/f250-xlt/
Sure, if you intentionally try to make it as heavy as possible, it’s only a thousand pounds lighter.
Or you go for the F250 and reach into a completely different class of vehicle it can get heavier.
I bet a Navy destroyer weighs even more!
Only the smallest, cheapest ones used for work vehicles
So, the only cases where using F150 is even justified?
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what’s being said here, but it’s pretty surreal hearing someone explain how their pickup truck is too big to be useful as a work vehicle.
Most big trucks are big because they have more interior passenger room. They’re essentially vans/SUVs with a small, useless bed that’s purely for looks. Only smaller trucks have a bed of usable size.
repeating false info doesn’t help.
Mostly that the driver is an absolute muppet. Sand like that is so soft you sink to your ankles walking in it, the truck never stood a chance.
Please don’t denigrate the muppets like that. Muppets are cool. This guy is not.
Back in the late-80s or early-90s, a guy in my coastal town bought a new Nissan Pathfinder, took a bunch of friends for a nighttime joyride at the beach. I do believe there was beer involved.
When they hit water lapping in the sand and made a sharp turn, the tires made a wake that looked really, really cool! Do that again!
Suddenly, the car stopped moving forward. They had drifted too deep. Of course none of these rocket scientists had any idea if the tide was coming or going… it was coming.
They got out - through the windows I guess - waded onshore and prayed for the best. But like I said, the tide was coming. They saw the Pathfinder that still had that new agency car smell, getting completely submerged.
Next day a tow truck pulled it onshore, but as you probably guessed, it was a total loss.
Maybe they could try this (before going on the beach)?
In all seriousness track retrofits tend to do really poorly outside of snow.
OK, in the end, I won’t install them on my Gen 2 Prius. Thanks for the tip!
You can get them on UTVs (side-by-sides). They also suck there, because if you try to reverse over something you can pretty much rip the track off
An argo, dollar for dollar, is the best thing to take into the bush.
Sweet, looks like an all terrain golf cab
I want one to park it in my narrow one-way street that the municipality won’t close to traffic because they hate pedestrians!
Just wait. That sea air is gonna do wonders for that
trucksbrick’s complexion.Step-Elon I’m stuck!
Stupidity ages like a fine wine. Give it a couple of more years and you will be surprised about your ability to bend the concept of rational thinking.
“They’re watering crops with a sports drink?”
Imagine having enough money to be that dumb.
Imagine being that dumb and having money.
Life isn’t fair.
You know intelligence isn’t the only merit, right?
I’ve been that dumb twice recently. Just not that rich.
To be fair if you manage to find a way to sell the product you’re cooking in the back of that thing then you might end up pretty loaded.
Your version looks a lot more fun though.
They bought a Tesla, what did you expect? They being able to think critically like a normal person?
sorry, im just trying to figure out how the fuck someone gets a cybertruck stuck on sand of all things.
Its really heavy, and on sand that is all it takes. (well that and spinning the tires for a bit)
i mean yeah, but like. You can literally dig it out in most cases. Regardless of that fact, airing down tires is a good idea, though im sure the tire deco would’ve mauled the tires in this instance. And sharp turns is just a bad fucking idea.
This thing is like 6600 lbs, and on what look like street tires. Airing down would be great, before this was highcentered. I am also not so keen on getting under that to dig it out.
6600 lbs is a fuckton of weight to be moving around off road in situations with soft ground where tires might sink into loose sediment/mud. It just doesn’t make sense to build an offroad vehicle at that weight level unless you are only ever going to drive on rolling dirt forest service roads or on wide open arid and extremely firm terrain.
Yeah I know a big chunk of that is the battery, but that is the problem, if you want to design an actually capable electric offroad vehicle I think you need to start from the design standpoint that the platform needs to prioritize being lightweight, which directly points to a small old school wrangler type vehicle or to committing to a solution like the newest AWD toyota siennas that most efficiently makes use of the design constraints of having a large flat battery running along the base of the vehicle. I mean even those only weight 4800 lbs (though they are a hybrid not a dedicated EV and the battery isn’t actually that big but you can imagine a similar vehicle with a much bigger one).
Yeah, unless you have really big tires to reduce ground pressure the EV off roaders will always have an issue. On the other hand the torque is great. I think the issue is having EVs that have more power then needed because beating a supercar is funny. If they made a small EV with just enough power for highway driving and good gearing for range you could have a good allrounder. But nope, gotta be giant, heavy and stupid fast.
Exactly an EV like this might actually be extremely practical for offroading as electric engines are so much simpler mechanically and you don’t need complex transmissions like you need with gas engines. You can beat the shit out of it more and you have unlimited torque.
Or go smaller and have trailered EV polaris type vehicles that you can just plug in when you park them in your driveway/garage.
Yeah it is so stupid, but I mean so is the fact that there aren’t car companies selling toyota yaris like EV vehicles for stupid cheap everywhere that aren’t anything special but are even cheaper to run longterm than a yaris or honda fit. The usefulness of that type of vehicle is so incredibly obvious, but in the US at least battery refurbished and replacement of used EV batteries on say a 10 year old nissan leaf quickly outpaces the value of the vehicle. It doesn’t make any logical sense to me and I hope that there starts to be a much bigger industry and the price drops quickly from companies taking perfectly good older nissan leaf type vehicles and putting a new battery in them.
Of course, taking a step back electric cars aren’t the real answer, busses are (at least for most of the US).
i think a big part of that weight with teslas is how they design drive units. Not having a mechanical drive train would help quite a bit, and free up a lot of otherwise unneeded room for changing up the platform handling. Also not being a cybertruck would probably be beneficial, im sure the body is pretty fucking heavy.
Imagine walking to the beach
I’m reminded of L.A. Story. “Nobody walks in L.A.!” *Proceeds to drive three houses down.*
Such misfits
Walking is for communists
Communism never sounded that easy!
A tragedy of the greatest magnitude. How many of them have to be washed ashore until we do something?