The reposts and expressions of shock from public figures followed quickly after a user on the social platform X who uses a pseudonym claimed that a government website had revealed “skyrocketing” rates of voters registering without a photo ID in three states this year — two of them crucial to the presidential contest.

“Extremely concerning,” X owner Elon Musk replied twice to the post this past week.

“Are migrants registering to vote using SSN?” Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, an ally of former President Donald Trump, asked on Instagram, using the acronym for Social Security number.

Trump himself posted to his own social platform within hours to ask, “Who are all those voters registering without a Photo ID in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Arizona??? What is going on???”

Yet by the time they tried to correct the record, the false claim had spread widely. In three days, the pseudonymous user’s claim amassed more than 63 million views on X, according to the platform’s metrics. A thorough explanation from Richer attracted a fraction of that, reaching 2.4 million users.

The incident sheds light on how social media accounts that shield the identities of the people or groups behind them through clever slogans and cartoon avatars have come to dominate right-wing political discussion online even as they spread false information.

    1023 months ago

    Asimov: *nails it*

    There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

    The bad guys since high school and in countless tales and yet still in governments and corner suites and at pulpits: *weaponizes it*

    You know who you are: *treats it all like team sports* *thinks is player* *is ball*

      323 months ago

      I think this is a great comment and I extend the same thinking to the bullshit/ magical thinking people engage in around science/ medicine denial-ism, new age mysticism, and conspiratorial thinking/ I’d rather believe a good story modes of thinking.

      100% its a part of our political system, but as Asimov states, its in our cultural life as well, and I have no patience for it. I call it out when I see it and if that makes me the ass hole, so be it. Its a burden I’ll bear to have conversations grounded in reality or not at all.

    3 months ago

    Some of these are clearly wedge-driving divisive trolls posing as leftists. Especially those touting voting 3rd party or not voting.

      153 months ago

      Some of these are clearly wedge-driving divisive (sic) trolls posing as moderates. Especially those hectoring voters that vote with their conscience now that attitudes toward a current genocide is making it impossible to vote for either of the frontrunners.

        143 months ago
        • What’s funny is I’m not even a moderate
        • I’ve just done the comparative analysis in knowing that (a) the election outcome is inevitable where 1 of these 2 candidates will be in office whether you vote or not, and (b) one would commit MORE genocide than the other guy.
        • You thus can still vote your conscience.
            163 months ago

            Then you risk letting the person who will commit genocide even more.

            How is more genocide better than less genocide for your conscience?

              73 months ago

              Then you risk letting the person who will commit genocide even more.

              Wrong, as I don’t live in a swing state. You know, like the majority of Americans?

              I can safely not vote for either knowing that my state isn’t going to go to Trump. I even personally know 2 people who voted Trump last election who are going third party this time around, so I’m DOUBLE-covrred.

              I just love seeing people online automatically assume people are in swing states (or that the EC doesn’t exist) and try to guilt trip people. It’s hilarious

                3 months ago

                Wait, was it your conscience or is it because you don’t live in a swing-state…? Because you dodged the question:

                How is more genocide better than less genocide for your conscience?

                If you live in a firmly blue state that will vote for Biden, then sure your entire point is moot. But just like how red states have turned blue or at least purple (Arizona), blue or swing-states can turn red (e.g., Ohio). So it might be worth voting just to ensure that trend continues.

                Because Republicans love this messaging you’re now promoting; for it only weakens blue state strongholds as you expect other voters to do the work for you.

                  3 months ago

                  Can’t read, or unfamiliar with how US elections work?

                  Because I don’t live in a swing state my lack of voting for Biden does not support Trump

                  So my vote is for no genocide but my state will force it to become some genocide through the EC

                  If you want to pretend like a Californian not voting Biden is somehow giving the election to Trump: that’s a you problem and I find it hilarious

                  But Republicans love this messaging

                  And? Maybe the Dems shouldn’t put forth garbage options then. don’t blame voters for the DNCs inability to do basic shit to win elections.

          23 months ago

          Let me crystal clear. I do not think that your position or attitude are moderate either. Haranguing people to vote against their conscience is a bad look. Big genocide, small genocide, both are genocide. If that overloads some people’s ‘election calculus’ it’s a reasonable and engaged reaction. If anything talking down to them is more likely to turn them off voting at all.

            3 months ago

            Normally I’d agree to each their own but I truly cannot grasp how anyone can come to the conclusion that when the two options are inevitable, they would choose more genocide over less genocide. It quite literally means less people dying. It’s the only logical and ethical choice.

              23 months ago

              Voting for big genocide or voting for small genocide is irreconcilably voting for genocide for some people. It’s a morally cognizant choice for some to not want to put the endorsement of their vote on either.

                23 months ago

                I’ll never not believe that is logically and ethically-flawed thinking, sorry. A vote doesn’t mean “I Endorse Genocide,” it just means, “I am doing the thing between two inevitable choices whether I vote or not that will help Palestinians, Ukrainians, and women’s rights more than the other option.”

                If merely one less child dies, then it is clearly worth it to vote — right?

                  23 months ago

                  It is ‘rational’ attitudes such as this that MLK bemoaned in his Birmingham jail letters. Order above justice. An order in which the boot is not on your neck. So you minimize its dehumanizing brutality in relation to the maintenance of the day-to-day comforts you enjoy.

                  Hypothetically: if Biden was sending weapons and financial support to Russia in support of their war efforts but mildly denouncing Putin when pressed; and Trump was pledging full throated support of Putin and offering to nuke Kyiv; would you still feel so enthusiastic about voting for Biden or for your moral calculus? Might you lament the electoral system that has put this decision before you. Might you protest this mockery of democratic choice. Even if you internally still cede to moral calculus, might you continue to make your displeasure known and apply whatever pressure was within your purview as a voter to make. Might you be offended by people demanding you not only vote for Biden regardless your rightful concerns about Putin and the sovereignity of Ukrainians but also try to insinuate that you are part of some foreign operation to undermine the election for voicing your concerns?

        103 months ago

        Found one

        Y’all reuse the same tactics too: when accused of something, copy/paste it but change a couple of words around. EPIC WIN!!

        It’s boring, do something different.

    • Pendulum
      133 months ago

      Exact same arguments are made to minimise right wing extremists, “has to be a left wing false flag”.

      Both are possible. The enemy is extremism, regardless of leaning.

      3 months ago

      This is absolutely rampant on .ml and it drives me nuts that their predilections for stupid campism causes them to not just allow, but actively protect right wing trolls.

      3 months ago

      You know electoral system is truely garbage when voting for 3rd party is considered “bad”. Not a lot of freedum going on in the US.

      Additionally have you also considered some people dont agree with your political view, so not everything has to be a conspiracy

        33 months ago

        Yep I do agree it’s bullshit. The FPTP combined with Electoral College has utterly fucked our country. I really wish we could vote for independents or 3rd party and not totally fuck everything. Unfortunately that won’t happen until changes most probably comes through Democrats as it has historically worth most other issues.

        To your second point, don’t know, it just seems extremely self-defeating to the point that one has to wonder…

  • circuscritic
    3 months ago

    This is a perfect example of truthful mainstream propaganda.

    I have no doubt all of the facts in this piece are correct, but they’re also aligned in such a way to suggest to the reader that the real root of the problem is that commoners are allowed to have anonymous social media accounts not tied to a real name or some government ID program.

      173 months ago


      The real way to deal with this issue is immedate fact checking of information.

      The article, however, suggests that the way to deal with the issue is forcing people to use their real identities on line, which will only serve to silence speech. How many of these right wing psychopaths will happily threaten to murder you if you argue they’re wrong?

      The answer to bad speech is more speech, not suppression.

        63 months ago

        Fact checking the firehose of falsehoods? That’s never going to work.

        We should teach how to be critical of information.

    • paraphrand
      3 months ago

      I keep running into people who say moderation is impossible at scale.

      It does not make surface level sense to me. But it’s true. Ban evasion is too easy. With no repercussions behavior is not socially enforced.

      If you think through it, and do want moderation and bans to work, it always comes back to having to have an authoritative index of all users. And that gets dystopian almost instantly. It always needs some organization or government to tell the platform that a user is who they say they are.

        • paraphrand
          33 months ago

          That sounds interesting. I’d be curious to learn if:

          • It’s been proven to scale to millions of users.
          • If there are usually strong repercussions for lying.
            23 months ago

            You and I both! Unfortunately I am familiar with the concept but unfamiliar with any specific details.

        43 months ago

        Moderation at scale, like democracy, only works with an educated user base. When your user base is too dumb to help self-police, shit gets very difficult.

        • circuscritic
          63 months ago

          So people don’t deserve, or can’t be trusted enough, to be allowed the right to have anonymous online accounts? Everything needs be tied to a centralized/government ID system because the average person is too stupid?

            • circuscritic
              3 months ago

              Not what I said. But you are proving my point.

              The fact that you can’t see the irony in your own response, is more evidence for your point than anything else.

              Regardless, I don’t think that should deprive you of the right to anonymity.

      33 months ago

      There is not some conspiracy here where media companies are colluding with God knows who to covertly and subtly spread the idea that anonymity online is bad.

      It’s more likely that you don’t want that to be true, but recognize that at least on some level it is true, and this is how you’re grappling with that cognitive dissonance.

          23 months ago

          This doesn’t show there is some conspiracy, it shows that there could be one. Maybe I should not be so forceful in my dissent, and I should say there is a potential the conspiracy is happening, but neither you nor the other poster has actually offered up any evidence of such a conspiracy. A conspiracy is always just a good way to dismiss things we don’t want to admit are true or might be true.

          • circuscritic
            93 months ago

            You keep saying conspiracy because it’s easy to discount that label, a label that I never used.

            I wasn’t describing a plot by some old men in a smoke filled room, I was pointing out an example of propaganda used to manufacture consent.

            Unfortunately, the culprit is the system, working as designed. That’s an exponentially more dangerous villain then any cabal could ever be.

              23 months ago

              You keep saying conspiracy because it’s easy to discount that label, a label that I never used.

              Because even without outright saying, it’s clearly implied. And, besides, you’ve still provided zero evidence to support the assertion. You are doing what you are accusing me of doing: using a label to assert (or in my case, dismiss) something without evidence.

    • FenrirIII
      3 months ago

      Chinese, North Korean, and Russian shills.

      Specified for you.

    313 months ago

    Oh, cool, a well researched article on right-wing disinformation campaigns. Can’t wait to watch the Lemmy liberals accuse leftists of being a part of this without any evidence.

    • Well, the types of misinformation will vary but anywhere people gather and have discussions is bound to have some bullshit floating around that gets spread around. It’s a fault of humanity, not of any particular persuasion. But there is a far cry from rumors about how to find the Triforce in Ocarina of Time to shit like “vaccines cause autism” and such.

        3 months ago

        Yeah, but there’s a tendency online in liberal circles to think that any criticism from the left is right-wing or foreign interference. I’ve seen a lot of people in the political groups here claim that the leftists they’re arguing with are part of hostile disinformation campaigns, which is just silly; online propagandists make Facebook Groups and Pages to create memes and articles, and hundreds of sock-puppet accounts to disseminate them. They don’t waste hours writing dozens of replies to a single account on a small, niche website.

          13 months ago

          Part of the problem is there’s lots of gullible people who repeat whatever nonsense makes them feel righteous. It’s usually not clear if you’re talking to a dumbass who fell for right-wing or Russian imperialist talking points, or an actual neonazi pretending to be a misguided leftist for trolling purposes, or an actual Russian imperialist pretending to be a misguided leftist for trolling purposes. I think you’re right though that Lemmy is not a likely target for any kind of organized propaganda campaign because it’s relatively tiny and would be a waste of time for those sorts of groups.

          13 months ago

          In the brave new world of LLMs, it no longer takes hours to write comments and replies all day in favour of some political or commercial view. The whole process can be automated! Cool, right?

            23 months ago

            Well, I’ve never used an LLM to argue with strangers online, but I would imagine that it would take a lot of effort to keep getting coherent responses to every comment. But even if it is fast and easy, are you really suggesting that right-wing or foreign trolls are concentrating on individual arguments on niche communities? I’ve heard of fake news outlets, astroturfed hashtags, propaganda memes, reply spam, and other broad influence campaigns, but I’ve never heard of troll farms being used for individual arguments, especially on small websites. It seems like, even did take minimal effort, it would also have minimal influence. Do you have any evidence this is happening?

              13 months ago

              Well, I’ve seen clear examples of AIs responding to comments on hot-button topics on reddit. But I guess that isn’t a small website. In any case, the only point I was really trying to make is that widespread social manipulation is becoming easier. If someone decides they want to influence a discussion somewhere, they can do that without a great deal of effort. The comments don’t have to be detailed or coherent. Simply being on-topic and persistent is enough, raising vaguely relevant talking-points whenever a response is expected.

  • Admiral Patrick
    303 months ago

    This. This right here, people, is why the community rules exist and why I’m happy to see them consistently enforced.

    123 months ago

    I mean, okay. But that’s not specific to right-wing stuff.

    I’m pseudonymous – “tal” isn’t my given name or surname. I like participating in forums under a pseudonym. I’m not really enthusiastic about forums – like Google Groups – that tried forcing users to use their real names.

    Like, if the issue is with use of pseudonyms in general, I don’t think that that’s gonna work, because I would bet that people generally like using forums under pseudonyms.

    Pseudonyms reduce use of reputation compared to systems where a real-life identity is involved, because someone can always get a new one.

    There are ways to still leverage reputation in pseudonymous environments. So, okay. I’m a pretty prolific commenter. I bet that there are people on here who have learned to recognize “tal”. You can build a reputation associated with a pseudonym, and then people can trust pseudonyms based on the reputation they build.

    One thing you can do is to have the software make reputation statistics more-visible. Like, Reddit Enhancement Suite tracked your upvotes and downvotes, and would tell you, next to usernames how many times you’d upvoted or downvoted someone in the past, so that each person had the computer helping you track what you generally thought of their comments in the past.

    You could maybe do something like get “expensive” identities that aren’t linked to a real identity. Like, say I need to pay $100 to buy a pseudonym from someone (“”). I generate a public/private keypair. I send Verisign the public key and money, and and they cryptographically sign it. At that point, I can be “tal”, but have bans and reputation linked to that underlying ID, and if I get banned or something, it’d cost me 100 bucks to get a new identity. Could have multiple identities, different costs. The problem is that the cost there may not be sufficient to deter someone running a dedicated disinfo campaign. I mean, okay, so say an identity is $100. I buy a thousand, that’s $100,000. If you want to run a disinfo campaign, that’s probably not a lot of money.

    Note that with enough money, you can also attack the above “reputation” route, either by paying people to build up an identity – as was probably done to build reputation associated with the “Jia Tan” group’s attack on xz that was in the news recently – or by simply buying accounts from legitimate users who are willing to sell their account.

      193 months ago

      It is not about being anonymous. We all are that way here, and we value that.

      It is about them weaponizing this totally normal thing, abusing it to cause problems irl. i.e. one person making multiple accounts to act as if something is more popular than it really is.

      • borari
        83 months ago

        abusing it to cause problems irl. i.e. one person making multiple accounts to act as if something is more popular than it really is.

        The biggest issue as I see it is “trusted” known people, like Musk or Greene amplifying and rebroadcasting disinformation as fact. In a world that made more sense people who engender some level of public trust wouldn’t speculatively rebroadcast suppositions or outright lies/fabrications. Imagine if I posted something on an anonymous Twitter account about extraterrestrials having a base inside the moon, then NASA making a post on their social media that said “Who are these extraterrestrials operating their clandestine Moon base, and what is their intent???”. Nobody would give two fucks about me posting the initial content, but NASA would lose literally all credibility within the entire scientific community. The issue as I see it is “credible” known persons treating these anonymous accounts as vetted, verified sources, which over time has led to a sad amount of people losing their ability to self-assess sources of information they read, now to them every anonymous account is potentially speaking truth regardless of what they’re saying.

        I guess this would generally fall under the weaponization you mentioned, but it’s far more insidious than that. I totally believe Musk knows what he’s doing when he makes comments like that mentioned in the article. Does Trump? I think he does, I think it’s been sufficiently proven at this point that Trump is aware of his bullshit and putting on an act to rally his supporters, to sell the character he portrays himself as. Does Greene? I don’t know, she seems kind of fucking unintelligent, I could believe she was one of those people that lost that ability to self-assess and just believes bat-shit, unhinged theories. This is why it’s insidious, it creeps up then bootstraps itself into this self-sustaining engine once you get the initial believers into the power structure. Once that happens how do you separate attacks on disinformation from attacks on the political party itself?

          83 months ago

          Jon Stewart spent most of his entire career railing against the Fox News, as he called it, “bullshit mountain”, and there is very much evidence that its founder came from Russia with the express intention of making it that way. Or if not, then like Tucker Carlson, at least did not turn away free money when it was offered to him to act in a certain particular manner.

          Though what I will point you to instead, b/c you seem like you will REALLY enjoy it, is the video series from Innuendo Studios called “The Alt-Right Playbook”, which contains essentially the material from a college-level course in this exact subject matter, yet expressed in extremely accessible language by anyone willing to put in the effort to think it through. You should LOVE it!:-P It’s entirely free too, though hopefully people donate to help him make more of such fantastic material.

          Anyway, imagine if you will: a bird does not “know” how to build a nest, they just do it. If asked, a bird cannot explain the matters of structural integrity, materials resiliency, and so on, even if it somehow could speak (or like if you could read its thoughts). Even so, it manages to accomplish the task b/c of the instincts built into it - i.e., as Daniel Dennett explains (famous atheist apologetics philosopher, here I refer to his book Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, though the following is my paraphrase not direct quote), “Nobody is arguing that design work was not done, the question lies rather in who did that design work - a God or the blind natural forces of millions of years of evolution.”

          In short: conservatives can be quite effective, even without having the slightest clue of what precisely they are doing or why, as in they (or imagine another hypothetical example of a con-man or -woman) may not know the details of the underlying processes by which it works, yet they still recognize what works vs. does not, and act to exploit what they see. Those January 6th protesters, despite being traitors who tried to perform literally treasonous and fully murderous acts within Congress and the White House, at the same time also thought of themselves as “patriots” who were there to “defend the Constitution” - despite most never having read the actual primary document, or how incongruous those two thoughts would seem to anyone who gives the matter even 10 seconds of rational thought, yet despite that they literally believe both at the same time, and others who were not there choose to believe that it was “peaceful”. The Alt-Right Playbook series explains how this can be accomplished, but even from what I have said so far, you can see that it works.

          Another quick peek into it is that few people believe all the crazy stuff, nor is the goal (of those putting it out in the first place, e.g. many of the material has been directly traced to Russian interference e.g. anti-vax memes) even to get someone to truly believe even a single one of them. Rather, the goal is to foment distrust in the overall systems. Which let us be frank: the government truly is corrupt - the conservatives do not have to lie about that much at least - and so then that creates an opening with which they can further widen the divide, maybe even getting them to do something more drastic like secretly tamper with COVID vaccine stocks even in the midst of the pandemic. And then in the meantime, they vote Republican, which has the effect of halting aid to Ukraine, which furthers the Russian agenda - so despite the fact that whatever happens to us here in the USA may even be mostly irrelevant, still we (the general populace) have been used to further an agenda that is not our own. Yet, as time marches on, it might become so, and we may one day form an alliance together with Russia, rather than act to repel it, if Trump gets elected again. Russia is using a quite brilliant strategic maneuver there - what boggles my mind is that it is working. But, we (Americans) are weak as we have faced no true aggressors in most of our lifetimes - even Boomers grew up after WWII, and Korea and Vietnam were somewhat far-off affairs, as too was the Gulf War. We could not imagine a nation (Russia) wanting to literally eat us alive. So we seem to have not truly feared its influence over us anywhere close to the degree that we should have.

          And that video series explains in large part why: b/c of the onion-layer effect whereby people get sucked in by the more inoffensive material, even while being groomed to be brought deeper in to the more insidious stuff later on, but only when they are ready do they finally start to realize that all their “joking” previously (like: “it’s the fault of the Jews!:-P”, which they did not truly believe… at the time) has, at first, a grain of truth inside of it, and then later, that it was never a joke to begin with at all. However, if they were to have been presented with the full Nazi/fascist agenda all at once, they would have turned it away, yet like a frog in a cooked pot (a false analogy btw - frogs are smart enough to jump out, it is people who are that dumb as to not!!) they continue to be changed by marinating in the shallower stuff, until as they get deeper and deeper over time, one day they finally are ready to accept the whole reality. Or not, but even so, them remaining in the shallower regions still helps further the agenda overall - e.g. in voting, and in being able to use those people like a magic story’s mage or a necromancer uses a “meat shield”: to deflect attention away from those who truly do believe.

          Getting back to what you said: does Musk, or Trump, truly believe in what they are saying and doing? I would rather rephrase the question to be instead: does the authenticity of their belief systems even matter, when they are acting effectively in the services of the facists either way? At what point do they need to cross over to become a “true believer”, when all along their actions were operationally indistinguishable from one anyway? Then, as you say there are people such as Greene, who regardless of their “true beliefs”, are nonetheless useful to the cause.

          I applaud your asking these questions - so few people do it seems. True answers are difficult to come by, requiring many hours (and days/weeks/months, maybe years?) of thought, though fortunately there are resources that can help speed that along, and yet how does one even find such things in this era of enshittification where you cannot trust half 90% of what you see & hear - but even so, I maintain that some things like that video series have the “ring of truth” about them, and that once you see the logic behind it, you can never go back to not knowing ever again. Enjoy it!:-)

              33 months ago

              Thank you - I do try to make shorter replies but when there is much to be said, I don’t want to shirk from it either! And those videos are PACKED with info, so hopefully a peek at the content first helps tantalize learning the full depth of what they offer:-).

    • Admiral Patrick
      3 months ago

      It may come as a shock, but IRL, I’m not an admiral. lol

      I think the takeaway here is to be more critical of what’s presented as fact rather than whether it comes from someone (pseudo)anonymous.

      • roguetrick
        3 months ago

        IRL, I’m not an admiral. lol

        But I asked you if you were really an admiral and you said it was a stupid question! How could you ever be so deceptive?

        • Admiral Patrick
          3 months ago

          LOL. I never said I was, and it was a stupid question. You just saw my outfit and made certain assumptions. xD

          (This probably sounds hostile to someone scrolling by who doesn’t know the character lol)

      • Pendulum
        33 months ago

        Next you’ll say you don’t have epic British mutton chops

        Day ruined :(

      433 months ago

      You will get LGBTQ people killed by forcing them to use their real identities online.

      This take isn’t unpopular, it’s terrible

      153 months ago

      I get what you’re saying, and why, but it’s a really bad idea. Force people to use their real identities online and you’ll end up with people no longer talking or they’ll be killed.

      Also, this single identity is impossible to implement on the technical level. It’s too easy to cheat with that,.

      • Dark Arc
        3 months ago

        or they’ll be killed.

        I feel like this risk is drastically overblown. Every LGBTQ person isn’t going to be hunted down by some deranged lunatic just for speaking their mind.

        If you’re in Afghanistan dealing with the Taliban, fine I’ll buy that you need anonymity. However, for those of us average folks in a western country that still has reasonable laws on the books… I don’t see it happening.

        Most people are already trivially doxable. If you really wanted to, I’m sure you could figure out how to come to my residence and harm me if you were sufficiently motivated (please don’t, that would be a major downer).

        I’ve had plenty of arguments on the Internet, thus far that hasn’t happened. Most people just want to live their life…

        This also goes the other way too, the nastiest people/the ones making repeated threats could be more quickly identified/stopped from making those threats, creating swarms of harassment accounts, cheaters could be stopped in games because a ban would be a “no you are really truly banned for X number of years” (and those of us that enjoy multiplayer video games could stop having to install ever more invasive software on our computers).

        I think there’s a time and place for anonymity; anonymity has certainly allowed history to be changed for the better in the past, but I don’t think it should be the default (it never has been until very recent history)… and I’m very concerned that anonymity could end up changing history for worse (and already has).

        Trump may never have been elected if the broader public wasn’t flooded with anonymous “supporters” in 2016 and those of us arguing for Clinton ended up wasting time arguing with bots.

        Also, this single identity is impossible to implement on the technical level. It’s too easy to cheat with that.

        No idea what you mean by this. It’s pretty easy to have a single identity and/or government verifiable identity system.

        • @zbyte64
          53 months ago

          Telling people they are over reacting to death threats is a take…

          It is “easy” to have a single Identity system, but that doesn’t address the criticism of it being difficult to secure. But either way, it seems Florida has volunteered for this experiment with the age restriction for social media.

          • Dark Arc
            3 months ago

            Telling people they are over reacting to death threats is a take…

            That’s a gross oversimplification of my comment, by a brand new account too, very cool.

            • @zbyte64
              3 months ago

              It’s a charitable simplification too. I’m not the one that emphasized that not every LGBTQ person is going to be hunted.

              • Dark Arc
                3 months ago

                Because it’s absurd to say that nobody would be harmed; speaking in absolutes is the antithetical of intelligent discussion for complex issues.

                How many LGBTQ people were killed because Trump and all the faux Trump supporting accounts weren’t stopped in 2016? How many more will be killed if this problem of bot accounts, nation state actors, and people making threats with 0 accountability isn’t solved and disinformation and extremism spreads further?

          12 months ago

          Never underestimate the need for privacy in this world. In WWII local resistance cells would blow up government registration offices so that the Nazis wouldn’t know who is Jew and who is not. If you’re read that Republicans 2025 document, you’d be worried too about the government knowing if you are gay had an abortion or whatnot.

          Then, a single government verifiable Identity system. Great! So WHICH government is going todo this? The US government? For all citizens world wide? How would that work, exactly?

          Will I only be able to talk with people in my country now to be able to force this? And who will make all sites to use this? What if I have a website hosted in a non participating country? Block that site? Are we going to block millions of sites now?

          It’s not doable on a practical level because it would only work with a single world government, and even then it’s easy to cheat with. If I’m the main administrator for the website, I could simply make a post with your name saying that you want to kill the president. Since it’s your name, you go to jail now, somehow? So okay, do we then only allow big sites with paid admins that sign NDA’s and contracts that they will not cheat? Are we only going to push bigger sites to do this?

          This is not a practical solution.

          • Dark Arc
            12 months ago

            You raise a lot of questions, but a bombardment of questions doesn’t mean there aren’t good answers to those questions.

            You cite the Nazis, but you might be surprised to learn post-war Germany to this day has harsh laws in this area

            There’s something to be said for protecting people that need protecting, but there’s also something to be said for holding propaganda spewing nut jobs accountable and limiting their reach.

            Never underestimate the need for privacy in this world.

            Also please do not confuse privacy with anonymity. It stops being about your privacy the second you start speaking publicly. Maybe you need privacy to maintain anonymity while doing so, but attacking unfettered anonymity is not an inherent attack on privacy.

            Then, a single government verifiable Identity system. Great! So WHICH government is going todo this? The US government? For all citizens world wide? How would that work, exactly?

            One idea that’s rather simple would be to allow users to show a verified status that’s backed by their own government but doesn’t actually expose their identity (just that yes, this is a person from e.g. the United States and this is their government linked account). Users could then choose to filter out folks that aren’t verified or aren’t part of their own country.

            For a federated system you could federate a token around that can be checked against government services either client side or server side, periodically.

            Since it’s your name, you go to jail now, somehow?

            Someone stealing someone else’s identity is already a serious crime. In the US at least, you’re guaranteed a trial and even then this would surely be exceptionally fringe. You could also further protect against this by requiring post to be cryptographically signed, but this is getting to an extreme level of conspiracy.

            The fact of the matter is, right now a single person from a foreign country can represent an unlimited number of accounts that are indistinguishable from the account of a person across town. You have no way of knowing whether you’re even talking to someone that has residency let alone the right to vote in your country.

            That is not healthy political discourse.

      23 months ago

      The Internet was just fine before all the normies got here. I suggest that we make the Internet difficult to use again to trim some fat.

      3 months ago

      I truly am curious on why you think someone is spreading this amount of misinformation as a joke. Usually I see explanations such as:

      1. Russia and China are perpetrators of most of the misinformation
      2. Conservatives spreading misinformation (that they do believe) in order to make their conclusions more plausible (see Charlie Kirk)

      I know trolls exist but could they really be this influential? I would hope not.

        53 months ago

        It’s been a staple rhetorical strategy for fascists to both be entirely serious and “totally joking” with the same exact statements. It allows them to consistently push the boundaries of acceptable prejudice while always having a fall-back. “You took that seriously!?!?”.

  • Haus
    63 months ago

    2001 called and asked for its headline back.