The article doesn’t mention SSC directly, but I think it’s pretty obvious where this guy is getting his ideas

    23 days ago

    I’m here from !all but decided to read the article. This man is crazy af and cringe af.

    The Grays’ shirts would feature “Bitcoin or Elon or other kinds of logos … Y Combinator is a good one for the city of San Francisco in particular.” Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city. In addition, the Grays would make an alliance with the police department, funding weekly “policeman’s banquets” to win them over.

    • @o7___o7
      23 days ago

      What if the Technocracy Movement fucked NASCAR

      What if Nazis but the uniforms are Gildan instead of Hugo Boss

      What if fascists were stopped with atomic wedgies instead of atomic bombs

    • @selfMA
      2523 days ago

      “Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips gang rivalry. “No Blues should be welcomed there.”

      Balaji goes on—and on. The Grays will rename city streets after tech figures and erect public monuments to memorialize the alleged horrors of progressive Democratic governance. Corporate logos and signs will fill the skyline to signify Gray dominance of the city. “Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first).

      got it, Balaji’s future is a lot like if the classic dystopian game Syndicate was written by a 6 year old. but something tells me this crayola Nazi shit mostly exists to make Tan’s equally monstrous and insane plans look reasonable by comparison, so Tan can continue to pay journalists to call him a moderate Democrat and shift the Overton window as far right as he can.

      • @maol
        723 days ago

        Ah yes, the Bloods and the Crips. Because those two gangs are well known for peacefully coexisting (?!?!?!?)

    • @slopjockey
      1323 days ago

      Unadulterated baby-brain hitler nonsense

      • @gerikson
        1422 days ago

        You don’t understand, the Gray Tribe’s unique connection with the police, in conjunction with the crime-prevention drones developed by Anduril, will entirely eliminate crime like mugging. There will only be Grays hunting Blues for sport.

          922 days ago

          Identity theft it is.

          Though even with all their toys I also significantly doubt their ability to actually eliminate crimes like mugging, tbh.

          • @gerikson
            1622 days ago

            You have no faith in the power of AI, typical Blue attitude.

      • @selfMA
        1122 days ago

        not true! you also have to take his ID, hidden where you’d never look for it (right next to the cash in his wallet you’re already taking)

  • @carlitoscohones
    3623 days ago

    “Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen.

    10/10, no notes

      2322 days ago

      produces a fascist vision of society with less sophistication than a bad dystopian YA novel

      Marc Andreessen: “This man is the greatest genius of our era!”

    • @Soyweiser
      1323 days ago

      Him being into idea guys explains a lot.

  • Mii
    3323 days ago

    “A huge win would be a Gray Pride parade with 50,000 Grays,” said Srinivasan.

    How many farts do I need to huff before I am able to say this with a straight face?

    • @Soyweiser
      22 days ago

      One thing I never got, even if I understand lot of things is the obsession with Gay Pride. So many things make sense from the techbro/tech nerd/technofascist/reactionary etc mindsets, but that so many of them are obsessed with Gay Pride just doesn’t seem to make sense to me.

      E: Don’t get me wrong, I can make up reasons and make them fit into some ideological framework, but they always feel like rationalizations/excuses to me, and not the real issue.

        1222 days ago

        I think they can’t handle people being happy and proud to be different from them. There’s also a long standing misogyny in tech bro culture. Idk I see so many tendrils of the same thing there. It’s the same thing as when the bros at the game shop get misogynistic. It might be self pity? I know I see a lot of that in these guys. I guess at its core it’s probably ego, fueled by sacrifices made to get where they are, but they never became someone who can just be happy with themselves.

        It’s easy to call them machine men with machine hearts, but our society made these people. They have everything but people. And I suppose they must feel very alienated by a community that often defines ourselves by the times we’ve had nothing but ourselves and each other. Sometimes it feels like they’re people who failed to be techno anarchists but that feels like I’m projecting.

        • @Soyweiser
          21 days ago

          Yeah but that only explains a subset of people, the techbros, and not the singular focus on gay pride. And even in tech bro culture you see the weird disconnect where a lot of the space seems BDSM positive (even if they are not in it themselves, or don’t get various of the roles (there is an undertone of misogyny in this acceptance but lets not go there)) or polyamory, but they get weird about gay pride (including a few of the Scotts (but only one of ‘our’ Scotts)).

          I don’t get why they are so obsessed with getting their own parades. (or just focus on the ‘pride’ word, while ignoring the context). Must be a Dutch thing why I don’t get it, as I think pride parades are pretty normalized here ([rant] even if the rest of the lgbt rights seem to be on a downward trend, esp with the fascism festival our new gov will prob be, supported by one of the biggest fools in politics, the leader of our farmer party who recently said, re the ‘all pro gaza protests by students are anti-semetic’ moral panic. “I don’t get why we just don’t put up signs that protesting is illegal, that would fix the problem” (anti-democratic and dumb as well… the leader of the farmers party)[/rant])

          Fun detail about Pride parade, when a pride parade was happening during a miners strike, they declared solidarity and the miners joined in on the parade.

          E: Live footage from the second grey pride parade (The first had a small group of awkward nerds dressed up their normal clothes), and from other footage I saw, why can’t these chuds march properly? It always amazes me. (Same with their ‘what if antifa attacks us and we need to go all roman legion on them with our spears(*) and shields?!’ training)

          *: I assume that is why they all carry flags, to use them as spears, not like the cops will control those flags for being potential weapons anyway. And us cultured people all know that the ‘real’ roman legions didn’t use spears, but swords and pilums.

    2723 days ago

    How is this not satire? It’s that fucking stupid/scary.

    I guess this is what happens when critically insecure nerds get a lot of money. They fantasize about a world where people fear them and the bullies do their bidding.

    2223 days ago

    “Last year, he lost $1 million in a public bet after wrongly predicting a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin.”

    Tells you all you need to know about this “genius”. 🙄

      • @Soyweiser
        822 days ago

        The current difference between that target and the price now is USD -936,852.77. (the number in red)


    • @zbyte64
      1323 days ago

      Worker: why don’t we get a larger share of the profits?

      Owner: Because I’m taking most of the risk!

      Also Owner:

  • @swlabr
    2222 days ago

    I mean yes this is all very off the rails fascist but I can do better.

    • bribe the government for nuclear bombs and detonate them in volcanoes to trigger The Big One and separate the bay area from america
    • Install high powered laser to roof of salesforce that sweeps the bay
    • clone elon musk

    I have plenty more where that came from. Money please, m4s a8n

    • @swlabr
      1222 days ago

      I initially deleted this because these ideas aren’t really that fascist, so I was gonna take a second pass. Then I remembered that thinking of fascist ideas makes me feel awful so here we are.

      722 days ago

      conveniently all information needed to make american-pattern nukes already is in california (LLNL and UCLA)

      with all their finesse techfash trying to get CNWDI would definitely cause a considerable incident