He seemed like a classy guy. He made the decision to stop playing Bond because he said the leading ladies were young enough to be his granddaughter, and “it was disgusting.”
Wow, mad respect.
This is one of the most wonderful celebrity stories I’ve seen
If you liked this, you need to see Roger Moore’s performance in Cannonball Run. Lolol, he plays a rich boy who is pretending to be a spy/actor named Roger Moore, it’s beautiful and fits well with this story.
Goldeneye was my favorite film as a kid but Moore was always the classiest, a real gentleman.
Timothy Dalton was the best Bond, closest to the books.
License to Kill was a bit before its time. Bourne before Bourne was a thing. I think people still wanted the campy Moore era and just weren’t ready for that.
Casino Royale aped the Bourne thing later and was a smash hit.
He was much better as a supermarché owner in any case.
How many times has Bond quit/fired MI-6 at this point? The Craig Bond being a lonely beach boozer was a nice callback but damn dude put on a suit and shoot
I don’t think Lazenby gets enough credit but yeah I’d agree. Dalton is also the best actor outside of Bond, Connery probably has more credits but he’s not a time lord.
Connery was a good actor but I think he got stuck to the role of the secret agent/military man/though guy, although I enjoyed his performance in Finding Forrester.
Lazenby was the forgotten Bond, right? I agree. He had a presence but I think he was badly received after the Connery era as his Bond was more mild mannered. When Roger Moore took the character and broke off the previous mold, it simply erased the previous Bond and started the fan theory that Bond was a codename and not an individual.
started the fan theory that Bond was a codename and not an individual.
Interesting like the knights in Kingsman.
A real slasher of … bad guys.
the greater good
Those crusty jugglers…
That’s a fact!
The Roger Moore films are extremely corny and campy even by Bond standards - which is saying something! I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for them though. All the Jaws plotlines probably resonated with me as a freakishly tall person.
Not FYEO. It was intentionally written to ground Bond in reality after the absurdity that was Moonraker. He has one gadget, the Lotus, which gets blown up immediately, leading us into the iconic 2CV car chase. Even has Moore, well aware of the age gap between actors, blowing off the advances of the much younger Lynn-Holly Johnson by offering to instead buy her an ice cream. Great action sequences throughout, and one of the most kick ass Bond girls in Carole Bouquet.
They were all a bit shit, but since I grew up in the 80s, most of the time a Bond film was shown it was a Moore one so I’ve got a soft spot for them.
The only one that was actually good was probably Live and Let Die, and that scared the shit out of me as a kid because I didn’t like the scarecrows.
“My name is—”
“Names is for tombstones, baby! Y’all take this honky out and waste him!”
Love it.
Roger Moore is my favorite James Bond!
You’ve got a couple of seasons of the Saint to go! It’s basically Moore doing exactly the same thing!
I’ve got a friend who thinks Pierce Brosnan is the best one because he was “our generation’s Bond”. Both born 92/93 so Goldeneye, et al. were a sensation for us at the time.
Personally I like Sean Connery but that’s an unoriginal opinion. I enjoyed the story about the casting producer who wanted him for the role immediately because he “walked like a panther”. What a departure from being a milkman in Edinburgh!
Live and Let Die has the best soundtrack of all of them
I have to admit, I was a bit leary coming in here, but that’s a great story.
That pressed a tear out of this man here. Great story! Great man!
That’s a great story, it’s nice hearing about people being treated well by famous people. Thanks for sharing.
That is a lovely story.