Author Joel Williamson shared Elvis kept a group of three 14-year-old girls with him on the tour who were up "for pillow fights, tickling, kissing and cuddling when he was 22.

      9430 days ago

      Most people weren’t even aware of it.

      The general public knowing every little detail about a celebrity’s life simply wasn’t a thing then.

        4330 days ago

        And the Grateful Dead (sure Bob, you waited while she slept outside your room every night for 3 years), Chuck Berry, Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin, and about a hundred other groups. Hell, Kiss had the Christine Sixteen song, Jethro Tull had Aqualung, Seventeen by Winger, Into the Night by Benny Mardones, and a bunch of other songs have super uncomfortable lyrics about girls.

        That’s not even getting into well known shit bags like Nugent.

    9030 days ago

    As disgusting as we see it now, keep in mind that, back then, child marriage was not only condoned but sometimes encouraged in those parts of the Southern U.S.

    We’ll never know if he did it because he had a thing for young girls, or if he did it simply because it was an accepted practice.

    Regardless of why, it’s objectively terrible that he did that.

        2730 days ago

        Age of consent is not the same as age an adult is allowed to be with a minor. Minors should be allowed to consent to have sex, just not with much older people. Laws that prosecute, say, a 19 year old from having sex with a 17 years old, or god forbid two 14 years olds to have sex together, are absolutely draconian.

          5130 days ago

          Actually, that’s exactly what age of consent is. The age at which you’re allowed to do things with an adult of any age.

          Romeo and Juliet (or close in age) exceptions are for the situation you’re describing, and are usually tacked onto age of consent laws as an exception.

          In Canada, there’s a pair of these. At 14 and 15 it’s less than 5 years older, and at 12 and 13 it’s less than 2 years older.

      1329 days ago

      Fun fact: there’s no such thing as objective morality. Back in the 1920s people thought it was objectively terrible for Black people to have equal rights.

        29 days ago

        I said it was objectively terrible, I didn’t mention morals. :)

        Harming people is terrible, whether or not social morality supports it.

            829 days ago

            No, but it was harmful.

            I’m talking about the objective harm of encouraging underage girls to avoid study and live their lives in the service of older men. There is nothing good that can be said about such a thing. It’s basically indentured servitude.

              329 days ago

              Ok, it wasn’t seen as relatively more harmful than anything else that would cause strain in a young person’s social, educational, and professional growth. Like an overinterest in sports or gambling or books.

                29 days ago

                I’m not talking about how it was seen. I’m talking about how it is. There’s a difference.

                Cutting off hands was seen as socially acceptable at certain times in history, if someone was merely accused of theft. But it is horrific and terrible. How it was seen as irrelevant to it being terrible objectively terrible.

                Are you just trolling, or are you actually trying to defend some of that behavior?

                  429 days ago

                  I’m not talking about how it was seen. I’m talking about how it is.

                  Ok, have fun with that, because that’s not what I was talking about at all.

                  are you actually trying to defend some of that behavior?

                  Fuck you for trying to win internet points by trying to paint someone as agreeing with pedophilia. It’s fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    7430 days ago

    Because his fame comes from an era when that kind of age gap and inappropriate conduct was handwaved away with “fRoM a GoOd FaMiLy!”

    Especially in his native southern US. Especially especially among the white folks in his native southern US.

    • Dark Arc
      1929 days ago

      Yeah, sweet seventeen by Chuck Berry also hits … as at the very least, creepy in 2024.

        1429 days ago

        Might you be thinking of “Sweet Little Sixteen” by Chuck Berry? The guy who btw installed cameras in women’s bathrooms?

        Also, the most venerated boomer band of all time…

        “She was just 17… if you know what I mean

        Love the Beatles, mind you, but uhhhh… all of those boomer bands were like that.

        “I used to pull your pigtails And your scrunched up nose But baby you been growing And baby it’s been showing From your head down to your toes”

        Another Elvis hit, “Little Sister.”

        Again, love the King, but uhhh….

        • Dark Arc
          629 days ago

          Might you be thinking of “Sweet Little Sixteen” by Chuck Berry? The guy who btw installed cameras in women’s bathrooms?

          Ah yes, that’s the one (oops).

          Love the Beatles, mind you, but uhhhh… all of those boomer bands were like that.

          Yeah, I like several Chuck Berry songs but … definitely a different take. Those songs would not fly today on the radio.

          328 days ago

          For “She was just 17” Paul McCartney was only 21 when that song came out and was dating a 17 year old then. Might have written it when he was 20 and the age of consent in Britain in that time was 16. That’s only 3 or 4 years age difference. I don’t get weird vibes from that. The Beatles were young when they started.

          Neil Sedaka’s “Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen” is one that gives me the strangest vibes.

            028 days ago

            Yeah, I mean it’s in the context of the time,‘I never had a problem with that per se. It’s more that some folks took it out of that context and were not quite as situationally aware I guess you could say.

            Then there’s the cases of folks like Jerry Lee Lewis marring his 13 year old cousin, Elvis marrying a 14 year old, etc.

      • Bone
        2730 days ago

        So I can better understand, could you draw me a picture?

        929 days ago

        While some want to litigate what Mohamed did in the 15th century, child marriage is still legal in most of the US and is still practiced (illegally) all throughout Europe.

        I post this because I’m sick of people who think that Muslims have something to teach the West about persecution, degeneracy, theocracy, violence, and bigotry when we’ve been the world leaders of all forms of lechery for like 4 centuries.

        • what Mohamed did in the 15th century

          There wasn’t much he could be doing when he had been dead for 800 years already.

          Decay, you know? :)

          All your other stuff smells the same btw…

      • sunzu2
        829 days ago

        Muslims are still bending out of shape trying to explain that away 🤡

        Disgusting history along with with bootlickers larping it to this day.

      • sunzu2
        429 days ago

        another one!

        why are all these geriatric clowns always go for fucking somebody else’s kid.

    3329 days ago

    Priscilla was 14 when they met, and he managed to convince her father to let her live with him. I blame the father just a much since he knew what was going down.

    • lemmyviking
      1128 days ago

      Not that I condone any of this, but consider that the cultural disgust of marrying a girl under the age of 18 is a more recent and modern taboo. Back then, in rural United States, it wasn’t an issue at all. Heck as a Gen X kid whose parents were from the Silent Generation, my mother married her first husband when she was 16 and he was 22. She never thought it was an issue other than she regretted marrying anyone at the age. But her parents, church, and teachers didn’t think it was a problem.

      It’s hard to believe because most people might say Elvis lived in modern society but he’s not. The 20th century was full of changes that we don’t really think about.

        328 days ago

        I agree with you on that. And the changes still are going on. I remember in school in the 90’s it wasn’t uncommon for a college guy to date a high school girl with no real repercussion. Not saying that it was right back then, just looked at differently.

          29 days ago

          It was gross back then too. In the 90s the Coasties would trawl the junior high girls. 25 year old men “dating” 13 year olds. We all knew it was gross as fuck and not okay but small town cops didn’t give a fuck. Hell there was a deputy “dating” a 16 year old too.

          It wasn’t looked at differently in the 90s.

          A guy in my class knocked up a 14 year old during senior year and we basically all stopped talking to him because fucking ew, dude.

    3129 days ago

    Paedophilia seemed weirdly acceptable right up until around 2000 or so. It’s really quite surreal how commonplace it was.

      1029 days ago

      I won’t say acceptable, as there were still issues and such, but it was definitely persecuted differently.

      228 days ago

      Uh… no. Baby raping has always been frowned upon as far as I’m concerned. 14 year old consensual (to the extent a 14 year old can be) groupies were a thing, in the not too distant past, but social mores have changed since then. Which is good. There’s an enormous difference between the two though.

          128 days ago

          Delaware is whack, but historically age 12-15 was a reasonable (for the time) age for girls to marry. Most biblical scholars say that Mary (JC’s mother) was about 15/16 when she popped him out (assuming there is some historical fact in the story) so those ages in your country weren’t completely crazy outliers. People grew up quicker back then because people died sooner back then. Just getting to the age of 12 was an accomplishment in its self. The past was a different place. If humanity makes it a few more generations then some of the things we accept and do now will be seen as unacceptable. We are all products, to a greater or lesser degree, of the time we live in and that shapes how we see the world as it is and as it has been.

    2129 days ago

    I don’t like saying it because people get very emotional and unreasonable about this but:

    These things were normal a long time ago. It’s only been in recent years, especially starting from the 1960s, that moral panic took over and these things are looked at now as “a crime”.

      3329 days ago

      emotional and unreasonable

      moral panic took over and these things are looked at now as “a crime”.

      Ah yes, what a neutral and regulated way to phrase that.

    • sunzu2
      229 days ago

      it was normal to allow your child to bang adults?

      First time I am hearing of this dear… Do you let adult people to fuck your kids?

        • sunzu2
          229 days ago

          i guess depending on what is your position on child and adult here…

          but yeah, i don’t think anyone is permitting their jailbait to fuck anyone over 20 in good conscience.

            • sunzu2
              129 days ago

              ok… it was common for parents to allow catholic clergy to fuck their kids and when kid complained they did nothing. what is your point?

                629 days ago

                The distinction between past and present. And more abstractly, not confusing acknowledgement of past moral principles as agreement with them.

                • sunzu2
                  129 days ago

                  saying it was common back then is tacitly approving of it IMHO

                  but people can make up their own minds.

                  note that many of these people who fucked jail bait are still alive and it is still happening in celebrating circles.

                  did not charlie cheen rape some kid? and there many stories all the disney jailbat being raped?

                  What excuse will society muster for this shit happening in 1990s?

  • Plenty of famous people were scumbags. Violent, racist, misogynist, beat up women, cheated, etc. From John Wayne to Frank Sinatra, they were awful human beings but people worship them.

    1429 days ago

    This, but also rape and other abuse was tolerated for some reason back then.

    There is also a bit of a gender disparity for who is getting help now. Women can get help a lot more easy than men, and aren’t as likely to be dismissed when they come forward.

    Lets keep pushing in the right direction

  • Lad
    628 days ago

    Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant shit to me because the fucker was whack

    • Bob Vylan