• @dragnucs@lemmy.ml
      245 months ago

      This is very powerfull because it has no slurs, polite, does jot compare you to something like a 8 years old insult and makes you think about for a moment. When the meaning sinks in you realize its power and it hurts.

      Insults that compare you to something aren’t that powerful.

      Insults that describe you, like this one, have a great impact.

    • @fossphi@lemm.ee
      135 months ago

      Holy shit, this is crushingly depressing. And wasn’t even directed at me.

    • @rustyricotta@lemmy.ml
      55 months ago

      From a certain angle it could be a compliment. “I know how good you are, so I can’t undersell you”

      Use that angle when someone calls you out on this insult.

  • Hegar
    605 months ago


    I was getting onto a bus, someone looked me over and spat out the word. It was clear from the tone that it was an insult, but it also sounded suspiciously bronze age, so I was very excited to find out what it meant.

    Turns out it’s a biblical reference used by some black nationalist groups in the US to refer to white people as unclean or diseased. Edom was one of several late bronze age Canaanite kingdoms. At one point the torah describes them as slightly paler and dirty, hence the insult.

  • @Monument@lemmy.sdf.org
    415 months ago

    Toxic polyamory situation. A partner I lived with and was once very in love with fell away when she got interested in someone new. It was messy and shitty. I wound up dating someone new, who I had a great relationship with, and it was very physical. But I still lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with my ex.

    My ex was a bit weird. She sort of viewed relationships as whatever things with no boundaries. Folks just do whatever they want in the moment and there’s no fidelity according to her. (Things I learned after I fell in love with her. Woof.) She also had intoned a few times that my new partner was a slut, which was sort of funny, given that my new partner had a pretty strong moral code.

    My ex got a little less interested in her new guy, and tried to seduce me one night. And I rejected her. We had officially ended things, and I did not want to revisit that.
    My ex sneered at me. “Fine. I hope you’re happy with [New Partner], and I hope [NP] is happy with you and your… magical penis!

    She practically spat that out at me, and… yeah. It was as funny then as it is now.

    And for the record, it’s not magical. I just like to put top hats and little capes on it sometimes.

  • @BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world
    375 months ago

    I told a cousin once I wasn’t going to be lectured on morality by a woman whose sole contribution to society was how much money she could spend at a liquor store. That whole post I wrote was honestly, according to my brother, some of the best criticism he’s read, quote, “You called her a lush without ever actually using the word, while also going up one side of her and down the other, saying everything the rest of us wanted to.” That cousin, to this day, will not interact with me at family gatherings.

    I also once threw shitty advice I was given back into my boss’s face in my resignation text, to the point where he mentioned it felt “personal” when he called me to try to get me to stay. That was the resignation friends/family told me I should be a writer because, “You have a knack for telling people to go fuck themselves in a way where they thank you afterwards.”

    My go to, though, when someone insults me is to usually respond, “I’ve been called worse by better.”

    • @whotookkarl@lemmy.world
      115 months ago

      Reminds me of a line from Community: “You’re more like a fun vampire, instead of sucking blood you just suck.”

    • @AdamBomb@lemmy.sdf.org
      65 months ago

      Lots of good lines in that show.

      Xathras have hard life. Probably have hard death. But at least that way, there’s symmetry.

      Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

  • Lorindól
    305 months ago

    “You fucking Alaskan!”

    I laughed uncontrollably for several minutes after receiving this compliment. Wrong continent, buddy.

    • @CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world
      185 months ago

      As an Alaskan, I will say that that is a compliment of the highest order.

      Now, if somebody had called you a Texan, that’s basically a slur. An insult of the greatest magnitude.

      • Lorindól
        45 months ago

        Living in the same latitudes I could only take it as a compliment.

  • @toothpaste_sandwich@feddit.nl
    265 months ago

    A friend of mine who’s a professional singer got told by his former conductor upon firing him, “well, see, if a violinist has a bad instrument he can just replace it. But in the case of a singer, well, it’s just not so easy.” Very roundabout and very crushing.

  • @MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world
    245 months ago

    McDonald head. A little girl, maybe 4, called me McDonald head while laughing hysterically and pointing, for like 10 min straight. This was more than 20 years ago and I can still hear her laughter.

  • @Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    I used to be over 350 lbs. with long, thin, greasy hair and a very pale complexion. My nose isn’t long, but it’s a bit pointy. Probably had dark eye sockets if I’m being honest about my health at the time. Anyway, my friend’s brother stood in front of me when we were sitting around drunk, and said “No offense, but you look like the Penguin (from Batman) right now.” Then went on to try to make that sound less offensive by suggesting it was just the lighting or the angle or something. But I knew what he was talking about. He was absolutely right. I never felt worse about myself.

    Thankfully I lost all that weight over a decade ago. Shaved my head, got healthier, grew a beard, and had what my wife calls a tremendous glow-up. But I used to be the Penguin… So you should watch out.

  • @Meltrax@lemmy.world
    205 months ago

    “You’re too hard to hug.”

    I’m a muscular dude. This was a complaint from a woman I knew. It was not a compliment, she genuinely refused to hug me when we greeted each other.

  • @noseatbelt@lemmy.ca
    195 months ago

    A kid once asked to pet my dog and I said no. Kid then proceeded to tell me my dog looked evil. I was enraged. She is a dog, she can’t be evil, and she’s absolutely terrified of strangers but especially kids.

    Usually when I have to deny people petting this dog, I’ll offer to let them pet the other dog who’s normal, but fuck that kid, you don’t get to pet any dog today.

  • @FuryMaker@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    “You’re not good for much, but you do a damn good vacuum.”

    -60yo lady to 20yo me, bookshop job.