Acana is Canadian, though they are not super cheap but certainly not the most expensive either. My dogs like it, and one of them is a picky eater.
Acana is Canadian, though they are not super cheap but certainly not the most expensive either. My dogs like it, and one of them is a picky eater.
Being lucky all the time would be cool. The only time I can think it might be a hindrance would be at a casino because they’d think I’m cheating but I don’t gamble so it doesn’t matter I guess.
My coworker does this too. Videos, messages, his fucking doorbell. I work from home now so it can’t bother me anymore, but idk how our boss can stand being in the same room as him.
He was playing a video during a teams meeting the other day and everyone could hear it. He didn’t stop when called out on it (boss wasn’t there that day), and the person leading the meeting literally said, “how does he keep getting unmuted?”
Hard disagree. Some languages are so wildly different that it would be really hard to confuse them like that. Like where the grammar structure is different so it’s not like you’re just substituting a word in one language for a word in another.
Why should someone be obligated to live as long as they can, at the expense of their quality of life?
I have a friend with a terminal illness who opted for MAID. I’m so thankful that option was available because he was in so much pain at the end. It makes a huge difference to be able to choose a dignified death, surrounded by people you love and who love you.
I have absolutely no idea. I’m the youngest person in the family and everyone thinks of me as the baby. So no one ever told me what the beef is with this one family in the tree, but I know no one talks to them.
I am absolutely not telling my parents how late I stayed up last night. They’re not even in the country but I don’t need to feel them judging me from over there.
The wall is there to ride on. He just hit it with his body instead of his bike.
A kid once asked to pet my dog and I said no. Kid then proceeded to tell me my dog looked evil. I was enraged. She is a dog, she can’t be evil, and she’s absolutely terrified of strangers but especially kids.
Usually when I have to deny people petting this dog, I’ll offer to let them pet the other dog who’s normal, but fuck that kid, you don’t get to pet any dog today.
I used to work at an engineering firm and one day I saw one of the engineers leave at like 2pm on a Wednesday and he was like, “Bye, see you next week!” He had been busting his ass to finish a project and already hit his 40hrs for the week.
I was a temp at the time but needless to say, I jumped at the chance when they offered me a real job.
My one dog is very special. She likes to sleep with her head under the couch. She was not pleased when we got a new couch that her head wouldn’t fit under. She sometimes runs into walls and falls off of sidewalks.
My other dog is entirely disinterested in toys. She does not play with them, ever.
I had a friend in high school who got squeamish at the sight of blood, or at least that’s what we all thought. She went on to become a surgeon. Turns out, it’s the idea of people being in pain that got to her. Operating on someone who’s out cold was absolutely fine even if they’re gushing blood all over the place, because they can’t feel it.
I once went on a school trip and practically the whole plane was filled with students. Must have sucked to have been the six other random people.
I snuck meds into cheese for my dog one time, and she is now forever suspicious of any and all cheese whether it’s cubed, shredded, sliced, whatever.
I’m also going to need some elbow room in case I need to dodge anything.
What is even the point of having four stomachs then?
I told my husband he must now be this dramatic when we’re out of onions or what is he even doing with his life?
Might need to note that I am ignoring Andromeda here. Personally I see all three games as one long game because the story is so involved. Maybe someone else has no problem just playing one by itself but I can’t, in the same way that I’m never going to watch just one LOTR movie.
Borderlands 2
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
I probably would have picked Mass Effect over Odyssey if you hadn’t specified no series. There’s really no point in playing just one ME.
Sometimes you’ve got to make some looove