I’ve been farting a lot for my entire life, but especially while sleeping. I usually sleep on my side, curled up, but sometimes on my back. I don’t have any allergies or similar things that could be causing this as far as I know.
For example, last night was like this:
- I lay down, I fart twice
- I adjust my position, I fart again
- I roll on my left side, I fart
- I get up to fix my bed, I fart
- I lay down again, I fart
This is rather unfortunate because I like sleep with my head under the blanket.
Edit: as for my eating habits, my diet has consisted mainly of granola with 2-4 per day and miscellanous fruit and vegetables for the last 4+ years.
Do you hold your farts in all day? My SO does, and when she goes to bed a few minutes before me, she will toot like the brass section of a big band sometimes. Practice letting them out silently during the day instead, all that gas has to go somewhere, you can’t just hold it in
Nope, my farts are free to go all day. (well, almost all day)
gas, trapped in the bowels when sitting or standing upright, is given an avenue of escape once the body lies prone
How long before bed do you eat? And what kind of foods do you eat? Have you tried using the washroom before bed?
Loosen your anus with a dildo each night so the farts can be silent.
Probably has to do with your body relaxing, similar to how dead people are prone to shitting themselves.
Just a guess tho I’m not a medical expert.
Might be a bit random, and perhaps a bit far fetched, but are you able to burp?
I’ve been struggling with the same thing for most of my life and was diagnosed with R-CPD ( retrograde cricopharygeal dysfunction a couple of months ago. Fortunately there is a treatment that is as good as 100% effective for this diagnosis.
(No burping = excessive flatulence)
Wow, same. How was the treatment? Would you recommend?
Botox treatment scheduled for March/April next year, but I will try to remember to update you when it’s done!
Interesting. Thanks, would love to hear
I burp every now and then and I think my amount of burps is pretty normal. (though idk how often the average person burps)
It’s not just random that you roll over and then fart. You have uncomfortable gas buildup and when your body feels uncomfortable you shift positions. In this case your body is succeeding in finding the right position to relieve the pressure, via farting.
Gas is a nuisance but sleep disruption is a serious health risk. It will reduce your quality of life and cognitive performance in every measurable way and shorten your life.
So it’s time to address the root cause: the gas. It is not inevitable to have extreme gas. But you are going to have to do some work and accept some changes if you want to fix it. The easiest thing you can do is modify when you eat. Stop eating after 5pm each night and see what happens. Delay your dinner until 8pm and see what happens.
If you cannot find better timing then you must look at what you are eating. Eliminate beans/lentils and see what happens. Eliminate brassica vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower) and see what happens. Then cabbage. If none of that helps then look at eliminating carbs after 12 noon. See what happens.
May your farts and sleep improve.
Walking will help sort your guts out as well, so by going for a late walk, you can take the problem to the outside!
Otherwise it’s probably just a question of your gut biome having a lot of gas producing parts.
That last line was the funniest thing I’ve read in the past few days, so thank you for that.
I assume they are Dutch.
Suprisingly not, but I do dutch oven myself a lot.
As you relax, so do your sphincter muscles.
Sleeping on my side makes me fart so I sleep in my back to save my marriage
I don’t have any allergies or similar things that could be causing this as far as I know.
Are there allergies that cause excessive flatulence?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’d be something like lactose intolerance, or an approximate. The body can’t or doesn’t like to digest some type of food, so it has a hell of a gassy time trying
Look at a low fodmap diet.
Stop drinking milk.
Probably diet. If u eat a lot of legumes or have very little fibre then that could probably be doing it.