This is just… too accurate. He’s exactly the kind of guy that would literally buy them to just do that.
But he wouldn’t just do that once because the idea is funny (like I would), but really insist on it and use it every round, every game, even when everyone is annoyed, and say that this is fair play because the rules say so
I can also completely believe that scenario.
Imagine if you got to the point where someone was making jokes like this about you and everyone was laughing with them
Elon is genuinely such a cringey loser it’s kind of remarkable
Legit. My dm in middle school let me make a character with a custom species, and it was more than a little unbalanced (because I was in middle school and thought victory was the only thing you played for). After two sessions we gave the character an ignominious death and I brought in something out of an official sourcebook.
Half of the fun in TTRPGs is fucking up and having to figure out a way around it. Take all of the risk out of the die roll and you might as well not roll at all. Use a different system.
Hey man, making up rules to put the elite at a massive advantage over a completely unsuspecting people is a tradition as old as European colonization. Can’t stop now.
God, I’m sick of jokes about him getting past my filters. Enough musk spam. I’m sick of seeing his stupid fucking face.
You know, I think he says a lot of the stupid shit he does, just so his name is constantly in the news cycle. Just like the old 1980s game “A rockstar ate my hamster” the phrase “Any publicity is good publicity” must be his mantra.
Anyway, I agree. I’m sick of hearing about his latest antics.
My biggest complaint with Lemmy is that we came for solace from Reddit/Twitter, and yet they’re all anyone posts about here.
It’s where lots of people still are so it’s inevitable
I think someone once wrote a tampermonkey script that automatically hides lemmy posts that mention certain keywords.
I have word filters already, but keyword filters don’t work on images.
Finally, a real world use-case for AI. Understanding and filtering shitposts.
He is in the political discussion now in an era where everything is political.
Having enough money to end homelessness and poverty and spending it on this bullshit is an intolerable injustice.
When we say billionaires are evil, this is mostly what we mean. Inaction is just as bad as bad action, if you have the means.
There have been a handful people (ex-billionaires) who apparently got the message and decided that a few hundred million was more than enough for them and gave the rest away (and actually did it right away instead of in a “pledge” when they die so their children can curate the non-profits that will inherit their billions). Mckenzie Scott is one.
I think there’s also a component of if you have earned enough money to be a billionaire you have to have been doing some level of exploitation since a billion is such an unfathomably big number. You’re either like Bezos where you exploit your workers to make big profits or you’re like Musk where you exploit the government for subsidies and contracts.
He doesnt need friends to play D&D, he can pay people and they will play with the exact facial expressions above.
He probably already plays with AI, and if you were to listen in, it’d be painfully embarrassing.
Probably fudges his rolls when playing with AI too.
Bruh, at this point I’m just wondering why this fuckface haven’t removed community notes yet.
So one of my group had us fight a Garbage Mound which was a custom shambling mound. To hit it, players had to roll under its AC. Thankfully our friend Kevin rolled 1,2,5,1 and soloed it.
How to finally make sure people start playing DnD, without calling it DnD.
I hear pathfinder is fun.
P2E is union made too, if you need any other reasons
Blades in the Dark, Mothership, Masks, Monster of the Week, Slugblaster and many many more are definitely worth looking out for.
Rpgs can and are so much more than DnD
Amen. With a list like that how could you leave out Apocalypse World?
I’ve never actually played the original but have had a huge amount of fun with many “Powered by the Apocalypse” games, especially Monster of the Week, my group were all huge x files fans so it was a great fit.
I’ve never played Slugblaster but all the rest were great fun. However, I have had the very best sessions with Apocalypse World 2 and Monsterhearts 2. If you are into either of those genres and have the group for it you’re in luck. A good session feels better than literally taking happy drugs.
(Finding the right group for Monsterhearts is quite the trick though.)
Slugblaster is brand new. Not actually played a session yet but the book is a work of art and the game looks fantastic
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Even though it’s in alpha, DC20 is great
Very fun
My group almost switched over during the licensing fiasco. Musk would get us to do it.
Lkke Kleenex and Xeroxes for tissues and photocopies, DnD is now the generic term for tabletop analog RPGs. All the wizards of the coastal AND land-locked regions can suck on that fact.
There’s probably another rule about him being able to join any game he wants. Kinda like you cannot hide his Xcretions.
You can hide them fine, by not having an account and not visiting the site :P
I never had one in the first place and I’ve seen way too many of them.
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All rolls must be on the blockchain now.
Dumbn Dumber
I legit thought he had pigtails at first.
Isn’t that why he wants to buy Hasbro?