Stick something on your camera so the mirror function can’t work properly
In case anyone’s curious: Yes, this is a real post.
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It’s pretty cool if you have a wireless charging stand on your desk. Stumbled on this with a test iPhone for work. There’s a few options to swipe through including calendar and weather and honestly it makes for a nice smart display
I have it enabled but it has never once turned on, I know how it’s supposed to work, but no combination of charging and flipping my phone around has ever worked. 90% of the time, it just wakes up the whole display due to the raise to wake feature.
Why can’t it just be like android’s Always on Display, where it’s just on unless something is blocking the front camera. Why does Apple have to always be the weird kid in the class.
Ah my test device has no FaceID or biometrics on it so I could see where that could muck with it
Whatever the marketing and target user is, “display random personal images” should be an opt-in feature. Do they really think people only have wholesome pics on their iPhones?
Yes, Facebook automatically creates collages of “memories” it too but only with images that have been shared with friends, I think.
This happened to me once (but with some other picture in my album instead of monkey).
Now I know it wasn’t a weird dream I had.
Like a random picture? Because that could get real weird if it goes into standby around others.
I’m not sure. For me it showed some dog picture from my album.
Me when 3am
How can I get this on android?
Where can I get this theme?
I l*ve standby