This channel is going to be so busy the next 4 years. Oof.
Should just change the name to 'Muricas an Onion
Isn’t the entire idea that the Gulf of Mexico is more descriptive than the gulf of America? Mexico only has one large gulf, and from a US perspective the gulf is in the direction of Mexico. The Americas have several «gulfs» so gulf of America makes no sense. Maybe Gulf of the USA? But again in terms of a description that makes far less sense.
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Also leftists who refused to vote at all because Harris didn’t solve the Middle East conflicts from the Vice President’s desk.
Wait wait wait… So you’re saying the vice president isn’t the same as the queen and can’t just do whatever she wants?
I voted for Harris, because I believe in trying to be practical and try to reduce harm, but I also won’t even think of speaking ill of those who refused to endorse genocide just because the other guy might do genocide without the pathetic finger-wagging the Biden administration did as they handed over more and more and more bombs. It was a hard choice, and I chose pragmatics and harm reduction, but I also know that some fucking dweeb in the DNC is going to read that number as an endorsement signal for the platform of “genocide is okay as long as we tut at them while we hand them bombs”.
lol OK
And? Do you think Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken saved even one drop of blood by giving Nettanyahu very stern disapproving looks as they handed him more and more bombs? If Biden tacitly approved of the genocide in Gaza, do you think there’d be a meaningful distinction between what things look like now?
Cool now what trump does or doesn’t do well be on them. And now they can look back at all the violence in Gaza under trump and saynorodulyni did that. I’m responsible for it and feel good about themselves.
I disagree that it’s on them. This and '16 should have been easy elections. Instead of running their best and brightest against a man they’ve framed as an existential threat to the state, they decided it was a good opportunity to push (and don’t you fucking tell me they don’t have a thumb on the scales in the primaries) the most unelectable candidates in living memory. I think Kamala could have won, but as I recall it, a lot of the excitement around her began to fizzle out around the time it became clear that she endorsed such exciting policies as addressing climate change with more fracking, shrugging helplessly as we hand Nettanyahu more bombs, making some minor adjustments to healthcare, and offering some tax rebates to people who want to start businesses.
People are fucking drowning. They know shit’s broke and we’re in desperate need of change. The democrats misread the room and decided both in '16 and '24 that not really trying to do anything meaningful was fine, since what are voters going to do, vote for that guy? And now they’ve got the gall to blame the voters, which I guess just means that in 2027, we’re going to have cyberTrump vs Hillary Clinton (it’s really her turn this time you guys). When you start blaming and finger wagging the voters, that’s always a recipe for success. It’s cool, learn nothing, change nothing, just shuffle a little more to the right, tell us with words and not actions that cyberTrump is an existential threat, and everything will definitely work out this time.
Oh shit, just gave me the best idea. Let’s start the conspiracy that Trump is Hillary’s puppet.
I’ll get us started:
*Bill Clinton used Epstein to drum up compromat on all his political rivals
*Trump was put in place to dismantle democracy so that when Hillary took power her power would be absolute
*Trump was a Democrat most his life
*Trump is a NYC elite
*The true Republicans like Dick Cheney, Jon McCain and Mitch McConnel oppose him
I’m sure we could drum up some policies he has and tease them out to be actually liberal policies
Let me know if anyone else wants to spur on some MAGA infighting
Good luck, man. Trump could pardon Hillary and his base wouldn’t give one shit. Sure, you’d get the “WOAH REPUBLICAN VOTERS FELL FOR IT AGAIN, LOOK AT THEM BEING UPSET ON TWITTER” articles and Twitter screenshots and shit, but outside those, like, six people, nobody’s going to really care. These folks voted for a dictator to come in and magically make everything better (for them specifically, fuck everyone else), there’s nothing, and I mean nothing, that can break the cult fever dream around him. Trump could literally institute unironic communism (which would be the funniest thing ever) and they’d go right along with it.
True, but if we spread it enough and be insistent it would be lots of fun watching them refute everything. I’m still down, if anyone interested, hit me up.
- Party has a President who supports modern day Nazis commiting Genocide with weapons, including some the US Military refuses to use because of “excessive collateral damage”
- Party put forward presidential candidate who openly thinks that support of those modern day Nazis is the right thing to do.
- Whilst actively supporting Nazi-level Fascists in their commiting of a Genocide, Party deploys Propaganda strategy of claiming that the real Fascist is the opposing condidate.
- Strategy only ever convinces the Party faithful, fails miserably and Party loses the election
- SurprisedPikachu.PNG
- Party faithful blame “lefties” for that massive fuckup.
Lessons Learned: Zero
Congrats, you got to feel good while making everyone in the world’s life worse. We’ll see if it was worth it in 4 years 🙄 good job protecting your feelings over people’s lives
I’m not American and don’t get to vote in US Presidential elections.
On the other hand I easily find the detachment to analyze US Politics because I have no emotional stake on that race.
Frankly, you guys are fucked no mater what you do because the voting system in the US is undemocratic, but at least have the decency of not being willful bitches to one set of Fascist-supporting assholes with the lame excuse that doing otherwise would be being a bitch to a different set of Fascist assholes.
As I see it, in the absence of any choice who was not as Fascist-lover, the vote in these last US Elections wasn’t about choosing somebody who is not a Fascist, it was about sending a message to the party which can move away from Fascism more easily to do so for the next elections.
In that sense, all the useful idiots here now trying to dilute that message by blaming lefties for the outcome of that vote, rather than the DNC, are just making sure the DNC doesn’t move away from it’s current trend of “ever more love for violent Fascists”, hence keep on offering a smooth-talking-Fascism-lover candidate to face the opposition’s loudmouth-Fascist one and hence things keep on getting worse in the US because both “options” keep getting worse.
It’s funny all the criticism I see here of Republican voters for being stupid all the while many if not most of members of the Democrat tribe doing and upvoting those very memes repeatedly display the strategical-thinking ability of a goldfish.
Congrats, you just summed up a 60+ years conflict with, “they are NAZIs because I say so and I am the moral authority on all things.”
“because I say so and I am the moral authority”
Are we disagreeing on whether or not a genocide is taking place in Palestine?
I’m disagreeing what is happening in Gaza is tantamount to what the NAZIs did.
The NAZIs themselves didn’t start with what we say today that “the NAZIs did” - the Holocaust - they started with extreme racism, claiming to represent an entire ethnicity, claiming that said ethnicity was racially superior and a “normal” Genocide along ethnic lines of people from an etnicity they deemed subhuman, just like the Zionists.
You’re making the disgusting argument that even when an ethno-Fascist group is displaying massive similarities to the NAZIs at the mid/later point of that ideology, in terms of behavior, discourse and doing a violent mass genocide of people from an ethnicity they deem “human animals”, it’s improper to compare them to the NAZIs until these newer ethno-Fascists have committed their very own Holocaust.
By your logic we have to wait for the newest version of the same variant of Fascist as NAZIs to take their current Genocide all the way to a Holocaust just like the NAZIs before we can compare them to NAZIs.
PS: What’s happening in Gaza was tantamount to what the NAZIs did in the Warsaw Ghetto. I say “was” because the size and nature of the killing and destruction in Gaza has already go far beyond what the NAZIs did in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Calling them NAZIs is not a comparision.
Zionists are ethno-Fascists like the Nazis, who are the most violent kind of Fascist around.
Congrats for totally and very purposefully missing the point and learning no lessons at all.
“The point” and “the lesson” OP was spouting off about was NAZI this and NAZI that. Not helpful at all.
That’s some pretty extreme wilful blindness you have there if from that long post all that you got was that the acronym NAZI was imperfectly used as a shortcut for ethno-Fascist.
I mean, you’re absolutely right that ethno-Fascist (which, as I said, is an ultra-violent extremely racist kind of Fascist of which there are only 2 big examples: NAZIs and Zionists) would be better there than NAZI.
You’re also totally missing the point if that’s all you took for that post or think that you criticizing the slightly innapropriate use of NAZI is a criticism which in any way addresses 99% of what was in there.
I addressed the glaring fallacy. This person had no intention of debating actually truths they were just whining about their own personal beliefs and moral superiority. I’m not going to fall on my knees to suck their dick because they think they’ve figured out some ambiguity that “everyone else is missing.”
First three dots apply to both parties. Israel was doing a slower genocide when Trump was in office the first time because they didn’t have an excuse to dial it ip, and he was supportive then.
Yeah, there is profound love of Fascism on both sides of the aisle in the US at the moment.
Which is why, IMHO (and FYI, I’m not American hence have no emotional stake on it) the only option for American voters who don’t want Fascist-lovers running their country to make things better (rather than merely slow the worsening of things) was to send a message to the leadership of the party that can more easily move away from the whole Fascism-loving business, so that in the next elections they field a candidate which is not a Fascist lover.
The US is so ridiculous undemocratic that the only possible way to chose improvement with one’s vote is for traditional Democrat voters to refuse to vote so that the Fascist-loving Democrat candidate barely wins or even loses - which means enduring 4 years of Trump - to try and scare the DNC to field a less Fascist candidate next time around. All this is a stupidly long shot because there are so many ways the DNC can react to it that don’t really move the party leftwards.
That’s it. That’s the only way one’s presidential vote in the US can be used to improve things. A ridiculous long shot with 4 years of pain until things might get better. The useful idiots getting the DNC of the hook for its electoral defeat by blaming “lefties” sure aren’t helping the DNC get the message from the electorate and fielding a candidate who is not a Fascist-lover.
By the way, all this is entirely consistent with the view that Democrats are closer to not being Fascists than Republicans are. I’m not at all disputing that Trump is worse, I’m saying that if the Democrats aren’t turned around from the current trend in the “evolution” of their politics, it’s pretty much guaranteed that there will be US Presidents in the future who are even worse than Trump and hence that it is logic (though risky) to use one’s vote now to punish the Democrat leadership in order to change the type of candidate they field in future elections.
PS: I dispute that Israel has only sped up their genocide after Trump won the election - it seems to me the speeding up predates that, having happened still well in the period of the Biden Presidency and before the next president was known. It’s hard to pinpoint it, but might even have happened when Kamala Harris made clear her unwavering support for Israel, hence the Zionists knew that no matter who ended up as POTOS they were unwaveringly suppported by future POTOS. Then again, maybe it happened when enough hospitals were destroyed by Israel that the dead in Gaza stopped getting counted properly hence the numbers published in the International Press stopped going up significantly. That said, all that is irrelevant for the point I’m making as I accept that Republicans are slightly more Fascist-loving than Democrats.
I mean, we could pass state level electoral reform so we could be free to vote outside the 2 party system with no spoiler effect.
Republicans are passing laws in their states to protect First Past the Post voting. Why do the democrats want to use the voting system republicans prefer? Don’t democrats support democracy?
There aren’t as many leftists in America as there are liberals who voted in 2020 but not in 2024.
I didn’t say leftists were the only ones who didn’t show up to vote.
The economy was predicted to do worse under Trump, as was/is inflation and housing prices.
What absolute fucking dumbasses voted for this guy for economic reasons?
What absolute fucking dumbasses…
You kind of answered your own question there.
Moderates who “voted for the economy”: 🤡
Hey, tbh, I’m fine with him focusing on things like this and trying to buy Greenland. It’s much rather he spend his time on theater than on actually hurting people
He’s trying to get things like this and Greenland in the headlines so that he can do the actually harmful things without too much notice.
No, he has no idea what the real agenda is. He actually thinks this bullshit matters. That’s exactly why he was installed in the position of president.
The guy is like, literally borderline retarded. Quit giving that asshole credit.
You are both right. Trump is the distraction and incapable of working on an agenda. He needs the people in the background. But he is capable of understanding what he is doing. And he likes it.
He doesn’t need to know, he just has to be useful to those who do know.
And when we post and upvote this shit instead of the harmful shit then we are playing into their hand.
This is a distraction
This is what Trump does day to day, spouting random made up shit on a whim. My guess is that it was ad libbed and there is no legislation, the whole renaming thing is probably news to his speech writer/diaper changer/whatever they call the person that tries to get him to talk about something specific.
The horrible shit is orchestrated by all the malicious fucks around him who can focus on one topic for more than 5 minutes.
Love how these commenters are all offended by a thing that will never get off the ground, or be heard again.
Y’all were around for the first time, right?
Damn. Boomer politicians scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard now we’re stealing from China’s playbook? “It’s not Cuba, it’s American Taipei.”
They built a wall too.
But Mexico has 63 more miles of coastline on the Gulf than the USA does. We should just leave it alone.
Wouldn’t surprise me if this was inspired to circumvent the new ban on oil drilling Biden just enacted. “We’re drilling in the Gulf of America, not the Gulf of Mexico.”
The US doesn’t have exclusive rights to “America” as a name. In fact strictly speaking “Gulf of America” is not a bad name since it is the largest gulf in the Americas AFAIK.
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The reason is racism
Then maybe “Gulf of the Americas” would be more appropriate.
The US doesn’t have exclusive rights to “America” as a name.
Agreed. Let’s also change our demonym to Unitedstatian.
That’s also unclear, given the United States of Mexico.
Edit: I guess we could do Columbian, but I gotta assume Colombia would be annoyed and it’s not exactly descriptive of our foreign policy.
You joke but in many languages they do that, for instance “statunitensi” or “estadounidenses”
I don’t joke actually. I chose “Unitedstatians” exactly because that’s what other languages do.
True, they’ll probably call it Gulf of 'MURICA!
Except America has more then one gulf so it isn’t the gulf of America it is one gulf in America.
Canada has more land mass than the US does. Perhaps Trump should be talking about integrating the US into Canada (and doing away with the now-redundant US Presidential position).
I’m sure Canada would love that influx of crazy
But Mexico has 63 more miles of coastline on the Gulf than the USA does.
USA != America. USA is a country that resides on the North American Continent.
While I know Trump is doing this to try and claim it as the USA’s… It actually makes sense if you actually use “America” properly to refer to North, Central and South America.
But Mexico has 63 more miles of coastline on the Gulf than the USA does.
He’ll solve that too.
Actual, literal toddlers are really taking over the US, aren’t they?
Voted in by folks of similar mental capability.
That’s not fair. Some of them are scamming the large toddlers!
Plus folks of similar mental capability refrained from voting in the first place, when they could have prevented this.
Actual toddlers are less hateful then them. Still stands. Hateful toddlers.
I don’t know, but toddlers tend to make more sense…
Let’s not forget, conservatives, CEOs and all that bunch operate with methods of a parlor magician. The louder they jingle the keys in one hand, the more we should be paying attention to what they are doing with the other.
Exactly this. All this outlandish bullshit is meant to soften the blow of something truly awful cooking.
It’s about to pop out of the oven!
President Musk will be livid that his suggestion to call it ‘Gulf of X’ was shot down.
President Musk will get his way and they will make a compromise and call it the Gulf of X-ico.
*Gulf of X-ica
Invade Mexico, invade greenland, rename the gulf… hello… he’s bonkers, what the fuck are we doing letting this shit back in power…
Well, you see. We let those willfully ignorant fucks in the bible belt vote for some reason.
I’ve never seen a more vibrant walking, talking example of the need for the 25th amendment.
I low key wonder if that’s the Republican plan. Just 25th amendment him and let Vance takeover. Vance pardons Trump who goes on Fox News weekly to yell about Mexicans or whatever.
We’ll have a Theilocracy then.
They’ll 25th amendment him throw Vance in and we’ll be a fascist oligarchy before March Madness.
Not that we’re miles away now.
Can we pleast waste the next 4 years renaming things and get nothing practical done? That sounds like perfectly good mud to spin the tires in.
This is just the distraction while he takes everything that isn’t nailed down.
I guess this time he brought a box full of screwdrivers.
Hey look, another 4 years of Republicans not doing anything of value for the American people.
Meanwhile, Democrats just banned medical debt from showing up on credit reports.
The differences between parties couldn’t be more obvious and Americans were still stupid enough to elect the do-nothing party. That’s how I know this country is barreling down a path to collapse. It’s not Trump. It’s not even Republicans. It’s braindead stupid Americans.
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Yeah. I mean I try not to be the guy standing on the corner with the “THE END IS NEAR” sign, but the writing is on the wall here. History has shown us that if a populace doesn’t work hard to maintain a democracy, it loses it to the forces working against it. And our society simply can’t responsibly handle the threat of internet propaganda and radicalism. There will never be a more stark election than what we just experienced and we still failed the test. If we’re failing the easiest, most obvious tests we could possibly be given, we don’t stand a chance.
It’s not going to be some cataclysmic collapse and downfall. It’s going to be slow and steady and extremely despressing.
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A few people I know whom I used to think were fairly smart have even fallen prey to some clearly wrong misinformation
This is probably the most depressing aspect of it all to me. Finding out that people who I thought were intelligent and good are actually anti-intellectual and amoral.
You know when you have a society rebelling against vaccines, one of the greatest things to ever happen to humanity, that you’re witnessing a downward spiral.
But God forbid you call it depressing and ruin someone else’s high on the way down.
Damn, my medical debt that is currently affecting my score must have not gotten the memo.
Another edit: Can the Trump administration kill this on day one?
Yeah. It’s a big deal.
Honestly, I’m not sure how possible it is for Trump to undo this. I haven’t looked deep enough into it. I read something about Biden doing what he could to make it hard for it to be undone. There’s so many nuances to our legislative system and the powers that the president has that it’s hard to tell how safe this from Republican fuckery.
From what I’ve read, Trump actually can kill this on day one. Whether or not he does is a different story, he’s taken a populist slide lately and I don’t think his supporters would be too happy with him undoing it.
Who knows though; unprecedented times.
Also, there has already been a lawsuit filed against the Biden administration for this rule. Fucking god damn it
Why not replace First past the post voting so more political parties can participate in the electoral process with no spoiler effect?
Don’t democrats support democracy? Are democrats afraid of having to compete for our votes?
Do you mean democrats or Democrats? Because the latter is absolutely not looking to compete any further.
This is the best case scenario, relying on their utter incompetence, although the will pillage state funds
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The reason Trump is doing this is so that we are not focusing on the rift in the party over H1B visas.
Where the fuck are the Democrats hitting the issue while it’s hot with 3 interviews a day agreeing with the average Republican over Trump and Musk?
Ignoring everyone. Then when it’s election season again, they’ll act like you’re a Russian troll who just started talking to spread division.
Ah a classic then.
where the fuck are the democrats?
Pointing fingers at each other and drifting further to the right, probably.
Mexican here. This is happening as much as “the wall” happened. Don’t let him distract you from the H1B issue.
The unfortunate thing is that “the wall” kinda did happen. Really shittily, but even Biden continued building it and Kamala ran on continuing to build it. The idea itself is really stupid sure, it’s ineffective and ass. But there do be a wall getting built to this day.
It’s not about doing the things it’s about the optics of saying you’ll do them. The wall isn’t done and never will be. Even if it was it would never deliver what was promised.
Its all about optics and it’s why Trump sabotaged the immigration reform bill. It would show democrats are capable of actually executing/delivering in a way he can’t.
And on that front, trump was super successful. He was so successful that the Democrats full ass abandoned hispanic folk and immigrants in general and fully adopted Fascist Trump Immigration policy. In terms of optics, Trump won so hard the Dems tried to be like WE ARE JUST LIKE TRUMP BUT EFFECTIVE.
The dems would rather chase racist white “”“”“moderates”“”“” than any person of color. Even their POC’s cant help but beg for that racist white moderate because they crossed that wealth line that made them forget what they are to those folk. Trump won the optic war because Dems surrendered as soon as they physically could.
Did Mexico pay for it, though? That was the important part.
Was it the important part? Really? Sounds like your so stuck on the silly part you missed the clusterfuck
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What an utter fucking buffoon. This man shouldn’t be trusted to use a fork without protective eyewear let alone run a god damn country.
It’s hard to tell which eye he hit with that framerate. Have this:
Guarantee the house and senate are going to be full of this kind of shit to the exclusion of anything even remotely useful
Can only hope this is the case. If they’re not being useful, chances are they’re not being genuinely destructive either
And it’s an omnibus law that also bans abortion, with meaningless exceptions for rape, but only if the perpetrator is sentenced before the first trimester; or life threatening conditions, but only if the mother is actively dying. And if you vote no on that, you’ll be smeared forever as the traitor of America.