House Democratic lawmakers reportedly used a closed-door meeting earlier this week to vent their frustrations with progressive advocacy groups that have been driving constituent calls and pressuring the party to act like a genuine opposition force in the face of the Trump administration’s authoritarian assault on federal agencies and key programs.

    2591 month ago

    “Forcing recorded votes is possible. Frequent quorum calls are possible. A wide variety of dilatory motions are possible. In short, harassing the majority is possible. If they think it’s a bad idea, say so. If they say it’s not possible, they’re lying.”

    I like how politicians voting is considered a time out. It’s their job, jfc.

      11 month ago

      Wow I can’t believe those fake congresspersons on that parody news site would say that. Thank you for bringing this into real political discussions. /s

            81 month ago

            I feel bad for if you truly believe that. At best we’d get democrats kicking the can for 4 years, making 0 progress, then trump or another ghoul gets elected in 2028 and all this still happens

              21 month ago

              My idea of voting harder is more than 50 Dems, which hasn’t happened in many years, then they could consider taking the Filibuster off for a while.

              Ideally 60 Dems, enough to pass all of their platform without being filibustered and without giving Republicans a chance to fight back.

              We haven’t even tried that but everybody in here is so ready to blame Dems for not being in charge.

    1461 month ago

    Progressives need to start their own party. The establishment DNC is so entrenched with big donors and lobbyists that it is unable to serve the people. Their balancing act of appeasing both the right and the left is just serving to alienate everyone because the final policies get so diluted. They have become too stuck in the quagmire of their own doing. I don’t see the DNC being able to change any time soon and through their inaction, will only enable more devastation of the country.

    The new Progressive party should align with the DNC as the opposition during this administration but simultaneously run more like minded candidates in the next elections with their own separate fundraising campaigns. That’s the only hope I have for meaningful change to happen.

    • TheHiddenCatboy
      341 month ago

      The problem is you get the NDP/Liberal vs. Conservative effect when you do this. If you have 30% of the population vote for your Leftie, and 30% vote for the other Leftie, in a given congressional district, the Republican can win with 31%, despite 60% voting against the Republican. We need RCV before we can do this, and people need to understand that they MUST put the other party as choice 2 or we are back to ending up with a Republican.

        251 month ago

        This is why a new party needs to be built from the ground up, starting with local races that are uncontested or use ranked choice voting already.

        201 month ago

        If Democrats are so scared of splitting the vote, they don’t need to run a candidate. It’s not like they’re particularly interested in winning anyway.

        1 month ago

        That is indeed a problem that needs to be resolved, and likely through ranked choice voting. But as a country, we tend to focus too much on the presidential election. Change will have to start in the congressional elections - both at federal and state levels. The issue of votes splitting will be a lesser issue in these elections except in a few large districts. That will also be where smaller fundraising campaigns would go further.

          151 month ago

          Change starts at the dog catcher. That’s how the maga morons did it. They ran for every single down ballot race, all the way to the bottom.

            121 month ago

            That’s how the maga morons did it.

            Hell, in my city, the local Dem committee helped the MAGA morons, by running against their own primary winner (A socialist). They were even dual dropping lit for the Chosen One they had in mind, plus the sheriff who is a MAGA nutter.

              61 month ago

              Jesus tapdancing Christ. I swear it’s like the Dems as an organization want to lose. I’m only on their side to pull left. The second we can pull left to neoliberalism instead of maga nutters I swear I’m going to do everything in my power to volunteer to get them fucking tossed for the further left and less authoritarian.

        101 month ago

        The thing you’re missing is that you’ll tap into a whole new category of voters that have never had anyone to vote for before.

          101 month ago

          Ding. Both major parties have abandoned the working class, and a whole lot of people have given up on the system as a whole. Give a real choice that has a chance and people will turn up. But that means the politics-as-sports folks need to hang up their team colors, and that’s only going to happen by spreading class consciousness. No war but class war.

        61 month ago

        I fail to see your point. That sounds like you have a 61 majority for the Republicans. The “Liberals” are aiding the Republicans getting power, as the article points out.

        Also the Democrats are a pink washed far right party, by standards outsidr the US.

        11 month ago

        They just need to put the Trump party last (or whatever the shittiest party is at the time)… They can put anyone they want 2nd

    • Anti-Face Weapon
      121 month ago

      Tell this to Bernie and other progressives. Seriously, if we call and email them, they might decide they even enough support to do such a thing.

        101 month ago

        The Democratic party has just officially morphed into the Republican party of 30 years ago. They trotted out the Cheney’s ffs.

        Not like it matters. We’re not voting our way out of this situation, the fascists won’t let anyone take power back now that they have it. It’s revolution or a technofeudal hellscape.

          1 month ago

          The Dems will do it again too. They’ll find an older grandfatherly type in the model of Reagan to run as a candidate, and he’ll talk about compromise, not progressive causes. They’ll toss in some vague progressive light stuff that they will promptly shitcan once they win.

      91 month ago

      The DNC leadership are elected by people who are elected by us. Almost no one votes in those elections… Probably no one even knows they exist. But a well timed strategy of getting like 50 progressives to show up to each election and vote for progressive leadership is all it would take to replace every liberal in the party leadership with progressives… No reason to leave 2 conservative parties intact

        1 month ago

        “In 2025, the DNC Chair election will be held on February 1. The chair will be elected by the 448 active National Committee members, consisting of 200 elected members from state parties, as well as elected officials, constituency representatives, and at-large members.”

        so a 200 person minority of the voters are people elected … somehow… (how do pick which state people get a votes) presumably in a way that forwards the publics wishes, not that they ever do that-- and the other 248 are dnc insiders. I dont see how progressives can maneuver to a win with those constraints.

          21 month ago

          I’d start by looking up your local Dems party. Most towns and counties have their own Dem party who’s job it is to get Dems elected locally. They themselves are elected by (registered) Dems in that town or county. They’ll know who runs your state party (also elected by Dems in your state), and who from your state gets to vote for DNC (national) leadership. They’ll also probably know how many people show up for these elections (it’s usually like 10 people!) Then it’s just a matter of organizing enough progressives to take over these local party positions and then take over the DNC… but, the good news is, progressives just took over the party leadership! At least the new Chair is relatively progressive, and was supported by Our Revolution.

          On the one hand, it’s super annoying that a small group of people makes all the decisions, but on the other hand, they are the people who show up month after month. You’ll probably need to show up too, get to know who is progressive and who’s a shill. Then make moves to replace the shills with progressives.

          In Nashua, NH (the second biggest “city” in NH) we were able to completely replace the city Dems leadership with only 50 progressives showing up to vote

          What we really need is a national org like Our Revolution or Move On or whoever, to make a concerted effort to plan out the takeover of every town/county/state Dems in every state. Each state should have a paid director plus staff who can map out all the leadership of all the smaller Dems parties in that state, rally progressive voters, and take the state party for progressives, town by town and then the state party all together.

      41 month ago

      You should check out the Axios article they cite before you write them all off. The supposed “gripefest” is just Dems talking about how they’re recieving hundreds if not thousands of phone calls a day.

        71 month ago

        Anecdotal, but our chapter of the DSA (not radical enough for me, but it’s what I’ve got around me) is growing rapidly. New member orientation has been standing-room-only since the election.

    891 month ago

    Yeah I have completely lost faith in the Democratic Party. Seems like they don’t mind Trump because he benefits their wallet.

      131 month ago

      Democrats biggest donors are wealthy Republicans.

      Hakeem Jeffries is one of the biggest sellouts. Him climbing the DNC ladder is a sign that Democrats will do yet another 2016 in 2028.

        61 month ago

        AIPAC as well if trump supporting Israel publicly they will never replace. And if both party turn out to be “end of life” lunatic who want kingdom of Israel then they will never change or push against a President who is pushing for the same goal even though he clearly doesn’t believe in anything.

          81 month ago

          That’s why its important to introduce Israel as a political liability for the Democrats.

          Demonstrate that they lose elections because of their support for Israel.

        31 month ago

        Jeffries is the main backer for Eric Adams who just got a pardon from Trump under the request that he aids in the mass deportations and likely he will.

        Oh Democrats. Only annoyed they ever had to pretend to care about people.

    871 month ago

    So the Republicans can act like an opposition party but they can’t? Have they had their heads buried since the beginning of Obama’s term? Or is this their snide way of confirming complicity?

      111 month ago

      The democrats were this ineffective during the GWB era as well. Then after America gets sick of Republicans because their policy is terrible and predictably causes calamities of varying magnitudes, only the people who didn’t go along for the ride with the Republicans thrive politically afterwards.

      For instance, one of Obama’s main draws in the 2008 primaries was the dude wasn’t drawn into being pro-Iraq invasion.

      The feeble wimps will all be seen as such if this era ever ends, and the public will turn to whomever consistently opposed the petard throwing before it hoists the one who threw it.

      61 month ago

      This should be the eye opener to the left that the DNC is right wing. They let the republicans do whatever they want because they want the same thing. They only pretend not to so they can scam for donations.

      391 month ago

      It really pisses me off that the ONLY outreach I saw were requests for money. Hundreds of them (many may have been scams, not sure).

      • The Democratic Party doesn’t get paid to win elections.

        It gets paid to run campaigns.

        The Republicans have decided that that is unreliable and have simply gone with open corruption.

    • adj
      111 month ago

      They have to raise money so they can spend money to raise money. Then they’ve raised twice as much money even though they only have half of it.

      1 month ago

      We need a Democratic Tea Party movement very badly.

      Unfortunately, I already know the people who would lead it would also never get past making the rules of who’s included, what kind of tea we’ll be using, and if it’s ethically sourced, and if any members have any problematic tweets in their past, what particular brand of socialism everyone subscribes to, and of course, what we’re actually demanding from the government.

      Say what you want about the right, but their superficial, Ork-like focus on goals gets them moving. Too bad those goals are usually things like “Vote against our best interests as much as humanly possible.”

      edit: I love that half the comments below are people disagreeing about how we would organize it and what we would want and who we would include. I both despair and celebrate that I’m not someone who can just hear a single word like “woke” and just laser-focus on uniting with literal crocodiles to take it down. Identify our weaknesses people, stop trying to be smarter than the problem. The problem is stupid simple, we have wealthy elite stealing our lives and futures away and the right is enabling them. Full stop, we should be fucking marching locked-arm with people whom we’ve been told to abhor to fix this. Imagine if people became scared to associate with billionaires. Imagine if we all did something.

      • Cyrus Draegur
        71 month ago

        The tea party, however, turned out to be an entirely artificial astroturfed “movement” that got its funding from the Koch brothers. They only came to exist because they were deemed a potentially profitable investment to the one percent. Same goes for Kerry getting “swiftboated”. It was always about money.

          • Cyrus Draegur
            11 month ago

            some were! The rest were useful idiots–just totally unwitting dupes who had no idea who they were REALLY working for. The groups that handled transportation and logistics took “donations” as “non-profit” organizations but the Koch brothers absolutely did appoint individuals to set it up on their behalf AND provided basically all of the funding. The organizers themselves or the people feeding instructions to them were either class traitors if they knew the resources were coming from one source OR they weren’t even legitimate members of the working class in the first place but only pretended to be so as to blend in with their marks.

      • dream_weasel
        71 month ago

        The left won’t big-tent: if you aren’t perfect and addressing their issue du jour, well, good luck. I don’t know how you make a progressive party if there is no ability to prioritize.

        And by the way I get it, if I wasn’t allowed to exist, I would sure as shit want my issue at the front of the line too.

          131 month ago

          The left will happily big-tent to a point, but we’re not about to include people who directly attack the party platform, and we need to throw out those shits when we find them-- the liebermans, bidens, sinemas, and fettermans. We need to get back to having a party platform, which the current democratic party doesnt really. We also cant belly up to AIPACs udder like the other parties did or we’ll be right back where we started.

          • dream_weasel
            21 month ago

            Yeah I don’t think that’s as true as you’d like to think. It’s not even about accepting outsiders, it’s purely about agreeing what issue to tackle first. Seeems to me there’s a really strong vibe of “I’m in if it’s my issue” and protesting “what about my issue?!” when it’s not. No concept of eating one bite at a time even though that’s how the work gets done.

              41 month ago

              I’m not saying you’re wrong but I feel like slow iteration has never worked. We’ve been stuck in the same politics for maybe 30 years. And the DNC dems seem like they arent interested in making anything better, just in winning. They barely bother to make a platform anymore. Its like an afterthought.

              • dream_weasel
                41 month ago

                The only platform is “we follow the rules and the procedures” and that’s all we got. I would love to see a full progressive agenda, but the first step is, in my opinion, getting money out of politics or it will take a long time to break Republican control and an even longer time to push out the neoliberal old guard on the left. Then you have to fight this fractionation problem. With no ranked choice, the same old neoliberal is probably going to win the primary between the women’s rights advocate, the gay rights activist, the pro Palestine anti war ambassador, and so on. I’m also against slow iteration, and this is why it isn’t working. You can’t just say the equivalent opposite of “guns, Jesus, and trump!” (whatever that is) and win a progressive left race.

              31 month ago

              This might hold water if Democrats would quit working in the wrong direction on those issues while they’re tackling one thing at a time.

              Democrats supported genocide. Democrats ran anti-trans hate in their own ads. Democrats adopted Republican border policy.

              Also, what one thing were they working on during this time?

              • dream_weasel
                21 month ago

                They didn’t. As I’m sure you know. The only unifying thing was “not trump” and “punish trump for doing loudly what others had done quietly”.

                But. What are D voters asking for? Is it any wonder the reps aren’t unified if we aren’t either? Of for and by the people doesn’t really work if we all spend our days asking Lemmy how to avoid politics and watching ASMR videos. Or LETTING TRUMP GET INTO OFFICE because of protest no votes against genocide thinking you’re some kind of fucking hero.

                Everybody that allowed trump for any reason deserves to get a little bit fucked by the admin. We gotta do better, and this should make it clear to everyone that there. are. consequences.

                  21 month ago

                  They didn’t. As I’m sure you know. The only unifying thing was “not trump” and “punish trump for doing loudly what others had done quietly”.

                  And they either expected that to work or didn’t care if it did.

                  But. What are D voters asking for?

                  They have made that clear. They want the Democrats to quit being useless. They want the Democrats to stop selling us all out under the pretext of being polite to people that want us dead in camps.

          • Rhynoplaz
            21 month ago

            I had such high hopes for Fetterman. He seemed like the closest thing to putting myself in the Senate. Every article I’ve seen about him since then just makes me a little more wrong. Still one hundred times better than Dr. OZ though, so no regrets, just disappointment.

  • Luckily, if the world survives Trump the Democrats won’t matter anymore because America won’t matter. The rest of the world was pretty pissed off at the USA before, but still allowed America to keep its leverage because challenging it would be too much effort. Trump, however, is actively destroying that leverage through his trade wars and his cancelling of foreign aid at the same time that he’s stripping his own government of its ability to function through his purges.

    The only pillar of American influence that Trump isn’t destroying directly is the country’s media exports, and they were already in the process of collapsing before Trump was re-elected.

    You got your high position in the world in the first place due to the fact that you were the only major power left standing after the world wars. Those circumstances won’t happen again (well, world wars might, but not ones that leave the USA unscathed.)

      221 month ago

      and his cancelling of foreign aid at the same time

      I don’t think Trump nor President Musk understand how much power the US weilds, just purely on foreign aid. By gutting all of it, we removed a large portion of the US’s foreign power (Which, IMO, is a pretty good result).

      1 month ago

      The US has been going all-in on hard power while soft power declines. There’s a lot of rich individuals who benefit from military contracts but don’t care as much about actually maintaining the empire. The big risk is that Americans are going to recognize this disparity and start WWIII in an effort to leverage the one area that the US has an advantage to retain hegemony.

        • OBJECTION!
          31 month ago

          Sure, but it can still cause a lot of destruction in the meantime if it decides to go out with a bang.

      41 month ago

      Same foreign policy, same bullying strategy, but now they are: 1) public about it, 2) Targeting countries that help them being who they are for the last 70 years.

        71 month ago

        Other Republicans already did that over the last 20 years, that’s how we got here.

        If you want the Democratic party to shift left primarying weak moderates is how you do it.

          21 month ago

          If you want the Democratic party to shift left primarying weak moderates is how you do it.

          The party actively protects moderate incumbents from any challenger to their left.

            11 month ago

            Just another thing the Republican base is better at than the Dem base I guess, oh well.

            • djsoren19
              11 month ago

              The difference here is that the Tea Party had funding, and picked up more funding from some previous GOP donors who wanted a more extreme party. There’s no funding for leftism in the U.S., and any current DNC donors aren’t likely to ever switch to funding it.

                21 month ago

                I agreed with all of that. If only we had our own shadowy groups of billionaires to fund us like the GOP constantly claims the left does.

    441 month ago

    The party is functionally dead. If they don’t come out with absolute opposition we will be stuck with a single party for the rest of our lives.

    431 month ago

    When they win elections, they refuse to use power to help people, but instead blame Repub obstruction. When they lose they wag fingers, but mostly just go along with Repubs (ie, confirmations) and they FUNDRAISE. Then they use that funding to defeat left dems in primaries.

  • Queen HawlSera
    431 month ago

    Now I’m not saying that the Republican Party is a blatantly fascistic organization designed to re-concentrate all wealth and power into the hands of an aging white billionaire elite afraid of losing their power and want to “scorch the Earth” in revenge for the fact that they and their very specific view of “how things should be” can not last forever

    And that the Democrats are not only complacent, but are actively in on the plan and intentionally aiding this grift by pretending to be an alternative choice of leadership that seeks to prevent this from happening, and doing the bare minimum to keep up that illusion to prevent real opposition from showing up.

    Part of that plan is to get people to join up with the Democratic Party to resist the Republicans and steer them away from or at least discourage them from doing anything that would actually stop the Great Ominous Plan…

    The reason this is so effective is because due to the way America’s Electoral System is, anything outside of the R’s or D’s is entirely unelectable no matter how many people vote.

    Though this also means that if the Democrats ever lost control of their party to people who actually want to do something, it would threaten to destroy the Republican Party, and prevent anything like it from rearing its ugly head again. As it would become as demonized as the Nazi Party is in Germany.

    But let’s just say that that was exactly the case…

    What would the D’s and R’s be doing differently?

    • djsoren19
      41 month ago

      This is where I sit. Either the Dems are controlled opposition, or they’re actually this incompetent. Does it matter? Do you even need to get conspiratorial? No, they’re unqualified and should be replaced.

      • Queen HawlSera
        41 month ago

        Right? Like, I used to think they were just naive, but they’re too damn good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

        It’s like the old saying goes, when Democrats make a firing line the first thing they do is form a circle.

    421 month ago

    Any of the ones who are upset about Progressives pushing them to act like an opposition party needs to be primaried and kicked out, if they can’t be convinced. We need more primary challengers to actually change the party, like the republicans have and continue to do.

        61 month ago

        Last year they didn’t really have presidential primaries because of an Incumbent, something both parties do all the time. But there were still Congressional primaries. And local primaries. Saying they’ll get rid of primaries when there was a reason to not have a presidential one, even if you disagree with that reason, is very much misunderstanding how primaries work.

        • I mean, they threw it out and nominated whoever they wanted. There WAS a primary-- Harris wasn’t in it. RFK was making Super Bowl ads for it

          With all the anger over the Gaza situation, they waited until the last possible moment and foisted her on us so that there’d be no time force debate

            1 month ago

            Yes and that was shit and they should have figured out a way to do some kind of primary. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be a real primary in 2028 or that there won’t be congressional primaries in 2026, which the congressional ones was what I was talking about. The only thing that would guarantee not having primaries is an official Dictatorship being created and the dissolution of congress and Trump being declared King or saying there will be no more elections.

              71 month ago

              Yes and that was shit and they should have figured out a way to do some kind of primary

              They will do it again. One of the few things democrats actually do is make excuses.

        21 month ago

        They can do that for the president because of how that’s set up in the constitution. The states control how congress is elected, though.